Astro-Notes on July 15, 2011 – Capricorn Full Moon

The Solar Eclipse/Cancer New Moon culminated with the Full Moon in Capricorn at 2:39 am EDT, whereby the “craftsmanship” (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Cancer New Moon) as the seed impulse is being revealed in a measure of success and failure. With the lunation in square to Eris in Aries, professional standards and business practices have come under the illuminating light of the Full Moon, thereby showing the kind of mentality responsible for these acts and thus, the driving motivation behind the deeds. Consequently, competence, conduct and dependability have drawn attention, while reality has caught up with the past and we’re reaping what we’ve sown. Mars in Gemini, who was at the time of the Cancer New Moon in semi-square aspect to Eris in Aries, is forming a trine to Vesta Rx in Aquarius, implying that the course we pursued in our self-interest and the claims brought forward in this regard have set a process in motion in the name of our cause or rights that is now yielding results and this could turn out to be a double-egded sword, based on our intentions in this matter. Mercury in Leo, Mars’ dispositor, is leaving an opposition with Vesta Rx in Aquarius to engage in a tense sesqui-quadrate with her dispositor, Uranus Rx in Aries, which centered our focus on ourselves and stimulated our dedication, stressing the voicing of our message as well as the mobilization of the ego by directly addressing the issue and enacting our agenda. Starting with the Moon’s ingress to Aquarius at 4:29 pm EDT, moods and feelings will change, stirring up our inner life and alerting us to new developments or courses of action. The Sun in Cancer’s quincunx to the North Node in Sagittarius requires an adjustment to the life direction in order to support ourselves in the long term.

 The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 22:27 Capricorn states:

“A soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat. Keynote: The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility – RECOMPENSE.”

“The meeting of a literary society. Keynote: An objective and critical approach to the common factors in our culture and to its psychological problems – INTELLECTUALIZATION.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases”, Pages 243 and 125-126, respectively)

Implied by these symbolical pictures is “a balancing of accounts” (elaborated by D. Rudhyar) as the next level of awareness and responses to challenging life situations has been reached.  

Tarot card of the day is the “2 of Wands”, ensuring victory over obstacles. An offer is about to be presented. There is something better on the horizon. This card shows the patience and focus of our intent. What has been set in motion will surely develop. Things start moving along and we begin to see them materialize. We have the power in our hands and need to be daring and courageous to use it.

In the news: Rebekah Brooks resigned as chief executive of News International amid hacking scandal, which heaps pressure on Rupert Murdoch’s youngest son, who was too slow to realize the enormity of the phone hacking scandal.