Astro-Notes on May 11, 2015

Daily aspects:
– Third Quarter Moon at 20:25 Aqua/Taurus at 6:36 am EDT
– Sun in Taurus sextile Chiron in Pisces
– Pallas Rx in Sagittarius sesqui Juno in Leo
– Mars ingress to Gemini at 10:40 pm EDT (until June 24)
– Mars in Gemini sesqui Pluto Rx in Capricorn
– Vesta conjunct Chiron in Pisces
– Neptune in Pisces quincunx NN in Libra/semi-sextile SN in Aries
– Moon ingress to Pisces at 10:53 pm EDT

Since the ‘tune’ has changed considerably (Sabian Symbol for the Aries New Moon was “The music of the spheres”), the ‘crisis in consciousness’, which is accompanying the Third Quarter Moon, is challenging us to persevere amidst these storms and in spite of the odds. We have to stay on our path and remain productive so that we can continue prospering and growing. Therefore, we have to shake off a tendency toward complacency and get unstuck, while at the same time keep pursuing what we personally need and want and taking our chances in this regard. Although we had to change our ‘routine’ and do things differently, we can still enjoy ourselves and make the most of our day. As a phase of waiting and wondering comes to an end, we have to be more creative as well as self-expressive. Later tonight, Mars will make ingress to Gemini and then the Moon will slip into Pisces. Thus, a period begins during which we tend to be more flexible and adaptable in our ‘modus operanti’ as well as dexterous and mobile or on the go. We also seek to multi-task and busy ourselves, while engaging in several activities at once. Moreover, we will soon feel better attuned to our environment and also more receptive toward getting into the flow of things.
For me personally, the unpredictable weather has basically forced me to stay home, but I could still spend some ‘time out’ on my balcony, reading a book, soaking up the sun and just relaxing. I was not able to celebrate Mother’s Day with my daughter this year, but I knew that. At one point in the future we will be living closer to each other again and then we can do many more things together. In the meantime, both of us have to find a way to live our life to the fullest where we are.

Tarot card of the day is “Temperance”, suggesting a need for emotional stability, which can be achieved through moderation and a commitment to sobriety. We need to find middle ground, avoid excess, foster cooperation, cleanse our body and mind, heal ourselves and recognize the flow in our life. As we observe the nature of energy, we learn how to mix the right ingredients in our own life to maintain equilibrium and see all imbalances drifting away. Instead of sweeping changes subtle shifts need to take place. With renewed energy and vigor comes the promise of new growth.

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