Astro-Notes on August 10, 2015

Daily aspects:
– Moon ingress to Cancer at 8:08 am EDT
– Mercury in Virgo sesqui Uranus Rx in Aries

At the onset of this lunation cycle I was visiting with my girlfriend in Philadelphia and didn’t write a blog post, because since this was my vacation we were busy enjoying our time together. However, since this New Moon fell into my 11th house, we held a New Moon workshop with her circle of participants the evening before. So, I can say that during this cycle I socialized a lot more and also made a few new connections. It was a quite exciting time. The theme that came forward with this new impulse pertained to social issues such as fairness, equality and individual freedom or causes for which we had to take a stand. Now that we reached the end of this cycle many energy shifts have happened and changed the landscape – inner as well as outer – setting up the stage for another big shift – Jupiter’s into Virgo that will happen tomorrow morning and will start a period of methodical, calculated expansion and growth during which we have opportunities to round up and perfect our knowledge, to select from the options presented to us and to analyze our truths and perspectives. Jupiter’s new dispositor Mercury is also in Virgo, the earth sign of his rulership, and engaged in a tense octile aspect to retro Uranus, which means, today is a critical day regarding proceedings and causes we side-stepped for a while. It is important that we review our progress in these matters and take action. Thus, we could be upgrading our agenda, communicating damage control or making plans and preparing ourselves for the future. For me it was time to update my blog and personal files so that I could finally begin using my new laptop. With the Moon in her home sign of Cancer I also did some cooking and baking and have been staying inside all day long, because the Mercury-Uranus aspect brought a change in the weather condition. A storm system is moving through the area and it has been raining heavily since the morning.

Tarot card of the day is the 10 of Pentacles”, suggesting that we seek out permanence and are looking for a solution that will last. Therefore, we are working on the creation of a lasting foundation by moving beyond makeshift arrangements and through a consensus of vision. This card refers to a climax in our foundational life, a culmination, completion or achievement we’ve reached that is the result of our material and tangible efforts and allows us to make a commitment to a sustainable future. We’re now investing in long-term benefits, knowing that we need a consistent approach in order to achieve success that will stand the test of time.

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