Astro-Notes on December 27, 2012 – finally……

As the semi-sextile between Mars in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces perfects, individual or collective actions need to meet certain expectations or ideals – in some cases, specific intentions of ours toward progress complement dreams or hopes we’ve been holding for a long time during which uncertainty has been looming large. Now the ‘fog’ is clearing and with Mercury in Sagittarius engaged in a semi-square to Saturn in Scorpio on which he follows up with an opposition to retrograde Ceres in Gemini, we know where we stand in regard to this issue. It is critical though that we judge the situation with the larger picture in mind as well as in long-term perspective and understand the responsibilities, repercussions and complexities that come with it, especially as we face a conflict in matters of support from or toward connections we’ve fostered. After the Moon’s ingress to Cancer at 3:06 pm EST and instant trine to Neptune in Pisces will we feel ‘more at home’ feelings-wise and also that our needs have been taken care of. Thus, it’ll be easier for us to attune to our surroundings and just go with the flow.

Tarot card of the day is the “9 of Cups”, otherwise known as the ‘wish card’. This card is about counting our blessings, living in the moment and enjoying the good things life has to offer. Joy and happiness are within our grasp. We can relish in the fact that we’re about to finally achieve what we have set out to do. There is stability and advancement and a strong possibility to obtain our goals.

In the news: Aside from the material event of Boxing Day, another excellent example of yesterday’s energy weather was Toyota’s proposal to settle the acceleration cases it is involved in a U.S. court for $1.1 billion. Speaking of enormity and extremes!

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