Astro-Notes on August 9, 2012 – self-preservation

Mercury in Leo casts a semi-sextile to Venus in Cancer, who is engaged in another semi-sextile with the South Node in Gemini (quincunx North Node in Sagittarius) and forms a trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces, which is indicative of an adjustment in our personal plans or schedule that allows us to take care of our needs, wellbeing or desires, which requires that we shift our priorities toward furthering our long-term future prospects, while moving away from thought patterns of the past as we’re re-envisioning ideals, which support our values and nurture our dreams, thereby validating personal wishes we’ve been longing to fulfill. As the waning Taurus Moon squares the Leo Sun at 2:54 pm EDT, marking the Third Quarter Moon phase of the Cancer lunation cycle, the accompanying crisis in consciousness challenges us to ‘self-preserve’ in the sense of sustaining our ‘livelihood’ and sense of Self amidst the “catharsis” (keyword of the Sabian Symbol for the Cancer New Moon) we’re undergoing that is eradicating past attachments on which we can no longer depend on.

Tarot card of the day is the “Knight of Pentacles”, a card that contains an element of perfectionism and brings good news in financial matters. It indicates that we are unwavering in the pursuit of a goal, assess our circumstances candidly, are diligent and industrious, follow a routine and pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of life. We assume responsibility and take charge of a situation by accomplishing what is expected from us. This card has a grounding influence.

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