Astro-Notes on December 24, 2013 – reaffirming our bonds

With Mercury in the last degree of Sagittarius (long-distance connections) yesterday traversingWeihnachtsmarkt through my 4th house (roots, past) I enjoyed a long chat with my best girlfriend back from the old days in East Germany. To my surprise did I find out that she has been living separated from her husband for 2 years now (here came the 5 of Swords as Tarot card of the day through strongly) and has moved into an apartment in another area of that city where we both were born. No wonder I couldn’t reach her! Although I’m happy that we reconnected, I was also sad that this part of our past was now ‘gone’ too. The place where she used to live and which I visited frequently holds so many memories we both cherish. Though such is life and now, after all this time, has she too moved on finally. Meanwhile, Mercury made ingress to Capricorn this morning at 5:12 am EST, where he will be transiting until January 11, which initiated a period during which we either strengthen connections or break them up, organize and work on our agendas, daily schedules and mobility, especially what the realization of our plans concerns, and manage matters of communication systematically, practically and with authority. The semi-sextile between Ceres in Libra and Saturn in Scorpio shows a shifting of the nurturing principle toward ‘harsher’ realities and shared responsibilities. For me personally that means that I’m going back to work after being off for 3 mostly relaxing days. A sextile from the Sun in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces offers us an opportunity to manifest our vision of these ‘holy days’ and thus of coming together in flesh and spirit. My daughter will be picking me up from work tonight so that we can spend Christmas together. 🙂

Tarot card of the day is the “10 of Cups”, suggesting that we’re calling a truce and restoring harmony where it is needed. We’re working for peace and reaffirming our commitment to bonds. Thus, we create an atmosphere where we can relax, while reducing stress and tensions, and consequently have a chance to experience serenity and contentment. Generally, we can be more at ease. This card is reflective of our personal value system and of what we believe will bring us the ultimate fulfillment and happiness in life.

Personal Note: In my home country is Christmas Day celebrated today or rather tonight and Santa Claus will visit every household or home, where he is ‘booked’ (LOL). The kids and also the adults have to recite Christmas poems or sing Christmas carols and confirm in front of him that they have been good throughout the year. If not, they will get a taste of the “stick” (a bundle of evergreen twigs). Then he will hand them their gifts. A traditional meal is potato salad and wiener.

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