Reflections on June 27th and 28th, 2010 – cyclic peaks

Mercury, catching up with the Sun, repeated the latter’s aspects from Friday on Sunday, helped by a sesqui-quadrate from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Aries and with the waning quincunx between Saturn in Virgo and Neptune Rx in Aquarius in the background. So, the realignment of aims associated with the stage-setting aspect that referred either to a renewal or loss of purpose had to do with a situation where we once again faced up to forces beyond our control, which may have had a limiting or otherwise restricting influence upon us we could’ve managed by surrendering to the flow of things. Thus, distractions or other interferences with our plans wouldn’t have upset us, instead we would’ve just approached the issue from a different angle that would’ve also led to results.

Because J had to go in to work on Sunday, it was another early morning for me that left me feeling overly tired and worn out, which of course didn’t help me to be productive in regard to my writings. Besides, it’s pointless to try to force the issue when the environment is not supportive and its better as well as more reasonable for me to slow down and relax for once. So, came afternoon and he back home, I decided to join him in the living room to watch tv together, thereby using the time to start this knitting project for my daughter. I made good progress in that regard, however, the tv program we couldn’t enjoy, even though there was actually something to our taste on, because the thunderstorm that was passing over us from late afternoon through half of the night interfered with the satellite signal. Like the day before, it rained in streams from heaven. The Lunar Eclipse energy definitely shook up and saturated the atmosphere. There have been protests in Toronto at the G20 meeting – first signs of the ‘revolution’, the civic movement that is growing in response to the crossing of our interests (a head-on collision symbolized by the automobile that’s been wrecked by the train of the collective will in the Sabian Symbols for the Eclipse). Keep in mind that this Eclipse is a prelude to the seed-tone of the Solar Eclipse on July 11 that will reverberate through the next half year and will play into the rhythm of the Cardinal Climax. These vibrations are perfectly tuned in the holomovement of our cosmos, where everything is interconnected with everything else in a continuous unfolding of cycles within cycles within cycles.

Tarot card of the day was a double again: “The Moon covered by The Star”. By listening to our intuition, to what our senses tell us, we had a chance to find our own rhythm and this may have given us fresh insight, allowed us to recuperate and heal and balance so that we would be able to fully utilize the peaking of the Sun-Mercury cycle on Monday.

The superior Sun-Mercury conjunction in Cancer happened exactly two months after their inferior conjunction in Taurus and partook of the Scorpio Full Moon from the opposing end of the axis. Thus, the mental seed that was planted around that time (April 28) involved our “faith in cyclic renewal” (message of the Sabian Symbol for the Sun-Mercury conjunction) as we were confronted by “the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings” (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Moon) and this is culminating now under the impact of the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse and after both, the Sun and Mercury opposed Pluto Rx in Capricorn before meeting again. Therefore, the question is how this faith, this spark of hope we held onto, has worked out for us and what are the results of this, “the basic features at the start of all learning processes” (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Sun-Mercury superior conjunction in Cancer). So, what we learnt from the experience will from now on support our decision-making or provide food for mental thought with the intent to take better care of our affairs.

Automaker Ford said goodbye to two long-term cars – the Lincoln town car and crown Victoria – and plans to close the plant that makes these models next year. – Although these street-cruisers may have sentimental value (Cancer) to many, they’re old-timers that don’t belong on our streets anymore in consideration of the economy and their fuel consumption. Cars (Mercury) are a perfect example of the learning process that has been at work here.

Tarot card of the day was “The Empress” with the message that nurturing and caring comes naturally. There is a strong sense of being at home with your inner Self, in touch with what’s been going on around you and at peace with the world. The time is right for you to expand and grow as you could be brimming over with creativity. The Empress evokes peace and harmony – a woman who is not only in control of her feminity, but who is also wise and decisive. She is prepared to make sacrifices at her own cost for the benefit of others; one who inspires us to look at the greater good (‘imitate higher forms’ as suggested by the keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Sun-Mercury conjunction), and take all things into consideration when making decisions.

Personally, I’ve been trying once again to catch on, but I don’t stress myself unnecessarily anymore in the process. A message that has been coming through for me strongly and is very much in the sense of my Gemini North Node in the 10th house is to collect information, to keep notes and to update my data, which amounts to managing my affairs better and would be supportive to my growth.

2 thoughts on “Reflections on June 27th and 28th, 2010 – cyclic peaks

  1. When I started this blog I used it as a header. It’s fascinating, isn’t it? 🙂

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