From New Moon to New Moon – Aries New Moon 2009




The Sabian Symbol pertaining to the zodiacal degree highlighted by the Aries New Moon states:

“A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms. Keynote: The first realization of the dual nature of man and of the possibilities it implies – Living two separate lives.”


(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases”, Page 54)


A significant feature of the Aries New Moon chart is a retrograde Venus in close conjunction with the lunation, only one day and one degree away from the inferior conjunction of the Sun and Venus, the point at which a new Venus cycle begins. Over the last few days has Venus Rx cast a series of semi-squares to the stellium in Aquarius, consisting of Chiron, Neptune and Juno, and lastly one to Vesta in Taurus. This could have prompted a rather harsh awakening, resulting in an inner struggle, which could have forced us to re-envision our future and to push for rearrangements, matching our security needs according to this altered version. That constitutes the ‘stuff’ we’re taking with us into the next cycle. It is not only contained in the seed impulse of the Aries New Moon, but will also be integrated in the new Venus cycle. Thus, as we’re preparing ourselves for a fresh start and a new life in a different future, while having to contend with the current circumstances, we’ll be living two separate lives.


Moreover, Aries’ theme is the emergence and forward thrust of life, whereas a retrograde Venus turns the desire nature inwardly. Therefore, the energy is directed outward and inward simultaneously and the primary urge of action for action’s sake associated with the sign Aries is counterbalanced by refined intentions based on the re-evaluation of our motives. The impetus provided by these joined energies and overlapping cycles refers to what we really want and need to do for our Self-fulfillment.

 Another aspect that will perfect with this New Moon is the square between Vesta in Taurus and Chiron in Aquarius. Vesta traversing Taurus (Venus’ sign) relates to us building up the spirit to sustain our commitment for the things we’re dedicated toward. Chiron, the wounded healer who is half animal and half man, is the astrological symbol for the dual nature in man, mentioned above. In Aquarius, this refers to us being an individual and at the same time part of the larger collective. Their square indicates that these two paths are at cross purpose as the situation shows us stuck in a rut and committed to the same, repetitive pattern, while we’re aching for change and wish we could break free in order to pursue our true calling and a more authentic lifestyle.


Most likely were the latest developments quite disappointing as well as eye-opening, especially in the event of Chiron catching up with Neptune, whereby a pattern of sorrow could have become transparent, enabling us to disconnect from it, make the transition over our emotional treshold and shift shape with the events. Because Juno transited both, this affected our principle of relating and in particular our expectations of others or theirs of us, which might have led to the realization that they were projections at best. Consequently, we might have been grappling with a futile situation, seemingly defeated by the odds until the insight struck that we had enough and won’t proceed in this manner any longer. Therefore, a decision making process could have ensued, which could now come to a satisfying conclusion as Pallas in Gemini trines the Aquarian stellium. Chances are that we recognized the true source of our problems together with the need for collaboration and by being fair to all parties concerned we might have invoked the team spirit and streamlined the choices into a cohesive picture.   


A new quality of desire and purpose will be impressed upon our value system in synch with the inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun in Aries with the potential to fill us with love for ourselves and for life. As Mercury in Aries participates in the Jupiter-Pluto semi-square a lesser octile triangle configuration is formed that elicits commitment based on Self-determination with the focus on long-term perspectives. Resoluteness is called for to strengthen our will and to follow through systematically with our sight firmly set on our goals. Realism and directness have to be applied and at the same time must we be accepting of our limitations. The complexity of the situation demands a mature and professional handling. Therefore, it’ll be critical to take the high road in all our dealings. When Mercury will arrive at the New Moon degree and bond with Venus Rx in Aries we might have comprehended that the logical thing for us to do is to negotiate better circumstances for ourselves. 


March 29 will see the perfection of Vesta’s square to Neptune in Aquarius in addition to a semi-square between the Sun in Aries and Chiron in Aquarius, repeated by Mercury in close succession, which is suggesting the use of foresight. Before we initiate a certain course of action we need to assure us of the risks as well as what this will entail to avoid falling into the same old patterns that caused our problems in the first place. But we also can’t continue any longer to indulge in false pretenses. On the day of Mercury’s superior conjunction with the Sun in Aries, March 30th, will both also cast a semi-square to Neptune. This is the culmination of the Mercury cycle that started on January 20th (at 00:44 Aquarius), whose seed message can now be seen in the light of meaning, which could turn out to be an illuminating experience that allows us a glimpse into the future. From there on will our mental faculty operate in a more objective and deliberate manner, detached from subjective idealization. Their semi-squares to Vesta in Taurus on the next day could sharpen our focus considerably and stim us persistent in our endeavors.


Tense conditions will prevail and continue throughout the First Quarter Phase. Now that the direction seems to be clear, we might feel as though things aren’t moving fast enough and thus could be pushing our agenda with willful intent in order to meet our objectives. The waxing square of the Cancer Moon to the Aries Sun is a test in patience; this “crisis in action” demands from us to give things time to grow, instead of rushing them. To be successful in our activities we need to tread carefully, one step at a time, thereby weighing our options and concentrating on special problems or other sensitive issues. During this process of re-examining and selecting among possibilities we have to uphold our own values and worth. Venus’ second square to Pluto stresses the proper evaluation of our resources for the measure of our real influence in that matter. We might have to agree to a few compromises in order to secure our survival in a more self-sufficient milieu that guarantees us the gain of more personal independence by increasing our options regarding our Self-unfoldment.


With Pluto turning retrograde we might find it easier to access the power that lies within. Mars in Pisces’ opposition to Saturn Rx in Virgo instructs us to rely on our inner strength during encounters, to use gentle persuasion, though without appearing weak, and to carry out our intentions from an intuitive level. Juno’s Pisces ingress in tandem with the Mars-Saturn opposition can assist us to be sympathetic toward others, while retaining our integrity and boundaries. This way we won’t give away our authority, but demonstrate a stronger sense of Self. On April 6 will Juno in Pisces oppose Ceres Rx in Virgo, confronting us with the task to work out a unifying vision derived from our highest ideals and to integrate this into our principle of relating.

Pallas’ Cancer ingress in accordance with this attitude adjustment permits us to take care of our self-interests, while Mercury’s aspects encourage self-respect in the context of social awareness to orient us along a truly individualized line of thought that is also considerate of others. A square between Pallas in Cancer and Venus Rx in Aries on the 8th could challenge us to be as supportive and dependable as we would wish to be treated by others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is the mantra with the Aries Point involvement, where “the personal becomes political” and as the prelude to the Libra Full Moon.

Love&Peace – Verena Donath. All rights reserved. @



Daily Aspect Calendar April 2009

April 1st: Moon ingress into Cancer at 12:30 pm EDT, Mercury in Aries semi-square Juno in Aquarius (13+/28+), Mercury in Aries semi-sextile Mars in Pisces (14+/14+), Venus Rx in Aries semi-square Jupiter in Aquarius (04+/19+)


April 2nd: First Quarter Moon at 12:59 Cancer/Aries at 10:33 am EDT, Mercury in Aries sesqui-quadrate Ceres Rx in Virgo (15+/00+), Mercury in Aries quincunx Saturn Rx in Virgo (16+/16+)


April 3rd: Venus Rx in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (03+/03+), Moon ingress into Leo at 03:32 pm EDT


April 4th: Sun in Aries semi-square Juno in Aquarius (14+/29+), Mercury in Aries sextile Jupiter in Aquarius (19+/19+), Pluto turns retrograde at 03:18:02 Capricorn at 01:35 pm EDT, Juno ingress into Pisces at 03:57 pm EDT, Mars in Pisces opposite Saturn Rx in Virgo (16+/16+)


April 5th: Sun in Aries sesqui-quadrate Ceres Rx in Virgo (15+/00+), Mercury conjunct Eris in Aries (21+), Moon ingress into Virgo at 07:01 pm EDT, Sun in Aries quincunx Saturn Rx in Virgo (16+/16+)


April 6th: Juno in Pisces opposite Ceres Rx in Virgo (00+/00+), Pallas ingress into Cancer at 02:26 am EDT, Mercury in Aries semi-sextile Uranus in Pisces (24+/24+), Mercury in Aries sextile Chiron in Aquarius (24+/24+)


April 7th: Pallas in Cancer sextile Ceres Rx in Virgo (00+/00+), Mercury in Aries sextile Neptune in Aquarius (25+/25+), Venus Rx in Aries semi-sextile Juno in Pisces (01+/01+), Moon ingress into Libra at 11:21 pm EDT


April 8th: Venus Rx in Aries square Pallas in Cancer (00+/00+)


April 9th: Mercury in Aries semi-sextile Vesta in Taurus (29+/29+), Mercury ingress into Taurus at 10:21 am EDT, Full Moon at 19:53 Libra/Aries at 10:55 am EDT, Mercury in Taurus trine Ceres Rx in Virgo (00+/00+), Sun in Aries semi-sextile Mars in Pisces (20+/20+), Mercury in Taurus semi-sextile Venus Rx in Aries (00+/00+), Vesta ingress into Gemini at 07:19 pm EDT, Venus Rx in Aries quincunx Ceres Rx in Virgo (00+/00+), Mercury in Taurus sesqui-quadrate Saturn Rx in Virgo (01+/16+)


April 10th: Moon ingress into Scorpio at 05:23 am EDT, Sun in Aries sextile Jupiter in Aquarius (20+/20+), Venus Rx in Aries sextile Vesta in Gemini (00+/00+), Mercury in Taurus sextile Pallas in Cancer (02+/02+), Mercury in Taurus sextile Juno in Pisces (02+/02+), Mars in Pisces semi-sextile Jupiter in Aquarius (20+/20+), Vesta in Gemini square Ceres Rx in Virgo (00+/00+), Sun conjunct Eris in Aries (21+)


April 11th: Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+), Mars in Pisces semi-sextile Eris in Aries (21+/21+), Venus regress into Pisces at 08:46 am EDT


April 12th: Pallas in Cancer trine Juno in Pisces (03+/03+), Ceres stations direct at 00:24 Virgo at 01:42 pm EDT, Moon ingress into Sagittarius at 02:00 pm EDT, Pallas in Cancer opposite Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+), Juno in Pisces sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+)


April 13th: Mercury in Taurus semi-square Mars in Pisces (08+/23+), Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Eris in Aries (21+/21+)


April 14th: Sun in Aries semi-sextile Uranus in Pisces (24+/24+), Mercury in Taurus semi-square Uranus in Pisces (09+/24+), Sun in Aries sextile Chiron in Aquarius (25+/25+)


April 15th: Moon ingress into Capricorn at 01:27 am EDT, Mars conjunct Uranus in Pisces (24+), Sun in Aries sextile Neptune in Aquarius (25+/25+)


April 16th: Mars in Pisces semi-sextile Chiron in Aquarius (25+/25+)


April 17th: Mercury in Taurus semi-square Venus Rx in Pisces (14+/29+), Mars in Pisces semi-sextile Neptune in Aquarius (25+/25+), Third Quarter Moon at 27:40 Capricorn/Aries at 09:36 am EDT, Moon ingress into Aquarius at 02:19 pm EDT, Venus stations direct at 29:11:56 Pisces at 03:24 pm EDT, Vesta in Gemini quincunx Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+), Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn Rx in Virgo (15+/15+)


April 18th: Sun in Aries semi-sextile Venus in Pisces (29+/29+)


April 19th: Mercury in Taurus sesqui-quadrate Pluto Rx in Capricorn (18+/03+), Sun ingress into Taurus at 06:44 pm EDT


April 20th: Moon ingress into Pisces at 01:55 am EDT, Sun in Taurus sesqui-quadrate Saturn Rx in Virgo (00+/15+), Sun in Taurus trine Ceres in Virgo (00+/00+)


April 21st: Juno in Pisces semi-square Eris in Aries (06+/21+), Pallas in Cancer sesqui-quadrate Jupiter in Aquarius (07+/22+), Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces (29+), Mercury in Taurus semi-sextile Eris in Aries (21+/21+)


April 22nd: Mars ingress into Aries at 09:44 am EDT, Moon ingress into Aries at 10:08 am EDT, Mercury in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius (22+/22+)


April 23rd: Sun in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+), Mars in Aries quincunx Ceres in Virgo (00+/00+), Mercury in Taurus semi-square Pallas in Cancer (23+/08+)


April 24th: Venus ingress into Aries at 03:18 am EDT, Moon ingress into Taurus at 02:46 pm EDT, Mercury in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces (24+/24+), New Moon at 05:03 Taurus at 11:22 pm EDT


April 25th: Mercury in Taurus square Chiron in Aquarius (25+/25+), Vesta in Gemini semi-square Eris in Aries (06+/21+), Mercury in Taurus square Neptune in Aquarius (26+/26+)


April 26th: Mars in Aries square Pluto Rx in Capricorn (03+/03+), Moon ingress into Gemini at 05:02 pm EDT


April 27th: Sun in Taurus semi-sextile Vesta in Gemini (07+/07+), Pallas in Cancer sesqui-quadrate Chiron in Aquarius (10+/25+)


April 28th: Venus in Aries quincunx Ceres in Virgo (01+/01+), Pallas in Cancer sesqui-quadrate Neptune in Aquarius (11+/26+), Moon ingress into Cancer at 06:37 pm EDT


April 29th: Sun in Taurus sextile Juno in Pisces (09+/09+)


April 30th: Sun in Taurus semi-square Uranus in Pisces (10+/25+), Mercury ingress into Gemini at 06:29 pm EDT, Moon ingress into Leo at 08:55 pm EDT


Virgo Full Moon 2009 and Review from Pisces New Moon up to the Full Moon phase





With the Full Moon we have reached the culmination of this particular lunation cycle and will now see a measure of success and failure of what began at the time of the Pisces New Moon on February 24th and has been waxing since. The latest experiences might have taught us to remain resilient as well as relatively calm amidst challenging circumstances, rough conditions and a hectic pace. On the inside, we might have occasionally felt in turmoil, our feelings stirred up, leaving us edgy and pugnaciously. But mostly we restrained from flowing over and with an iron will we summoned our strength and mastered the crises, applying a sense of immediacy and resoluteness. Thus, a steady state, a certain degree of inner stability, might have been achieved as we built up the necessary resistance to those disturbing influences. A poised disposition might be noticable now, providing us with a cool, detached demeanor, which is a mark of self-control and emotional composure that allows room for reflection, analysis and reasoning. As a consequence of deeper realizations, which might have been sinking in slowly, thereby affecting our thought process in subtle ways, the picture might have become clearer and we more objective. Several revelations could have proved very enlightening indeed.


This Full Moon aligns with the Saturn-Uranus opposition, placing even more emphasis on the Virgo-Pisces polarity, the relationship between part and whole, in the context of regressive and progressive trends, obstructive and constructive methods as well as ideologies driven by single-mindedness and pluralism. Whether individually or as a collective, we have to find ways to collaborate and to overlap those differences, whereby truly outstanding individuals can inspire and impress less evolved souls by example, by impinging their imagination with higher ideals, through uniting efforts toward the common goal and by creating consensus. Endeavors toward reform might have to be carried out in single, tentative steps though, by focusing on one thing at a time or improving and perfecting one skill, thereby changing habits and revising or reinventing routines gradually.


The Sabian Symbol pertaining to the zodiacal degree highlighted by the Moon at 20:39 Virgo is:

“A girl’s basketball team. Keynote: Physical training as a means to inculcate the feeling of participation in a collective culture – Group integration.”


For the Sun at 20:39 Pisces the Sabian Symbol is:

“Under the watchful and kind eye of a Chinese servant , a girl fondles a little white lamb. Keynote: Growth in consciousness in its earliest tactile awareness of the wonders of unsophisticated living – White hope.”


(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases”, Pages 163-164 and 281-282, respectively)


A girl is mentioned in both symbolical statements and thus a correlation to the unifying, receptive female principle (i.e. yin) is evident, from which a higher sensitivity and awareness can develop, analogous to the archetypal relevancy of Neptune (unconditional, universal love as the cosmic principle of wholeness) as the higher octave of Venus (love as the cosmic principle of attraction/magnetism). Suggested is furthermore that our capacity for emotional and social intelligence would need to be trained as a way of service to humankind. The former is the capacity to reason about emotions and of emotions to enhance thinking, whereas the latter is equivalent to interpersonal intelligence or the ability to understand, manage and act wisely in regard to human relations.


 At the start of this lunation cycle the keynote that sounded forth refered to “Self-assertion” in an uncompromising manner in the sense of what we are standing for as the product of our individual inner growth and essential truth of being, indicated by the opposition of the Sun-Moon conjunction in Pisces to Ceres Rx in Virgo and the semi-square to Eris in Aries. As this cycle unfolded we had to meet a first test, represented by the “crisis in action”, the First Quarter Phase, when we were reminded of an unresolved issue, requiring new attention as well as a new way to deal with it. Probably, we could have diverted from a train of thought to end a situation brought about by unwise choices or lack of information and other failed communication.


Then, Venus turned retrograde in Aries to send us on an inner journey for re-evaluating purposes with the aim to enable us doing reassessments regarding lapses in our judgment involving our Self-awareness and Self-love. Next, Mercury ingressed Pisces and our thoughts became colored by emotive and intuitive currents. Ideally, this could result in more inclusive and empathic thinking. Mercury will be in the opposition position to Ceres Rx in Virgo at this Full Moon phase to filter those mental impressions through the lens of our purest needs, thereby modulating our perception. A square from Pallas in Gemini to Saturn Rx in Virgo can administer corrections in our mental strategy, giving us time to think things through and precision to cut to the chase. Venus’ second sextile to Jupiter in Aquarius (the first was on February 16th) offers an opportunity for personal growth based on a better understanding of what needs to be done for us to make progress, which could point us in the right direction.


On March 12 will Mercury in Pisces form a semi-square to Eris in Aries and the Sun perfect the conjunction to Uranus in Pisces to inspire decisive action regarding our self-realization. Juno in Aquarius’ sextile to Eris on the 13th will provide us with a chance to relate in a more authentic way to others, while the semi-square between the retrograde Venus in Aries and Mars in Aquarius on the 14th will stress this identity crisis, thereby motivating us toward genuineness and at the same time stimulating a rearrangement in our self-interest. When Mars will transit Pisces our intentions can be influenced by higher and holistic vibrations and as a consequence we might assert ourselves according to our visions and sensitivities, though could also be inclined toward passivity.


The closing trine between Ceres Rx in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn on the 15th indicates the conclusion of an important developmental stage that permits us now to systematically shift gear attitude-wise and simplify for best results, elucidated by the many semi-sextiles, which will transpire as a lead-up and part of the Last Quarter Phase. This “crisis in consciousness” puts the keynote of the lunation in a broader context by challenging us to show our true colors, though in a socially acceptable manner. In addition to the Moon in Sagittarius’ waning square to the Sun in Pisces will Mars in Pisces now take the opposition position to Ceres Rx in Virgo, while Mercury in Pisces will oppose Saturn Rx in Virgo and Pallas in Gemini sextile Eris in Aries.


Our inner solidity is a means of self-control for the orchestration of our will. As our Self-awareness increases and we gain more Self-confidence we will act from a more authentic platform, thereby expressing the Self in various strengths and weaknesses. Critical at this point is to strike a healthy balance between selflessness and selfishness. We might be eager to prove ourselves, but the oppositions emphasize self-discipline. After all this time of ‘practicing’ moderation and thoughtfulness we might have acquired sufficient mindfulness to be perceptive as well as receptive toward others. Mars’ sextile to Pluto on the next day hints at an opportunity that could strengthen our influence if we can manage to conduct us self-determinedly, yet in an unassuming manner. Juno’s conjunction with Chiron in Aquarius in synch with the Vernal Equinox initiates a new cycle for the Self with the potential to differentiate more authentically as we reform our principle of relating and to emerge with a renewed sense of Self from our interconnectivity. Moreover, this new beginning carries the promise of finding our true tribe.


Unsurprisingly, a complex planetary dialogue is following this ‘birth event’, of which Jupiter in Aquarius’ quincunx to Saturn Rx in Virgo is the stage setting aspect, which refers to a sense of expectancy and seeking of perspective accompanying this new state. A series of aspects from Mercury has our imagination working overtime, whereby he triggers the square between Pallas in Gemini and Uranus in Pisces, which could force a decision with far-reaching repercussions, containing a factor of unpredictability. Accordingly, our condition could become extremely tense, leaving us vacillating between defensiveness and offensiveness, action and inaction. There could be a sense of excitement, triggering creative inspiration and inventiveness that could equal fears of failure, embarassment and rejection. Thus, we could be feeling torn on the inside and struggle to cope with the developments, perhaps even question ourselves if we took on too much.


In the process of overcoming the inner conflict we will ready us to conquer outer influences from stopping us to accomplish what we set out to do and committed us toward. Once we realize this dynamic we will have figured out a way to liberate us from unwholesome patterns and other forms of self-sabotage, preventing us from Self-fulfillment. Others reflect back to us what we don’t own in ourselves. By looking in this mirror we have a chance to become aware of this and can instigate our own progress. Mercury will ingress Aries and cross over the Aries Point prior to the Aries New Moon. With this shift our focus can now be directed toward the Self in order to be more self-conscious and self-attentive. When we begin to view ourselves more objectively we will see the world with different eyes. That’s ‘how the personal becomes political’.



By following into U.S. President B. Obama’s footsteps we have a great example in mundane world affairs that will reveal the astrology of this lunation cycle behind the events that transpired so far.

The keynote for the Pisces New Moon will provide the frame of reference for this purpose and this is the uncompromising “Self-assertion” of an individual, who is guided by an inner voice.


 On February 25th reached the opposition between the Pisces Sun and Ceres Rx in Virgo perfection, while Mercury in Aquarius squared Vesta in Taurus and sextiled Venus in Aries and the President made a statement on the need for financial regulatory reform. He said: “This financial crisis was not inevitable”. Mercury is associated with communication and in the sign Aquarius the theme of this communication was reform. A sextile between Mercury and Venus links the communication to the financial sector and the square to Vesta in Taurus, Venus’ sign of rulership, lets this talk revolve around a financial crisis, whereby liberal thinking Mercury in Aquarius uncompromisingly states his truth as a) something that wasn’t inevitable and b) as the need for regulatory reform (square between the signs Aquarius and Taurus). Furthermore, the opposition makes this into a matter-of-fact statement (Virgo) underpinning the President’s pragmatism as he exposes ‘the deceitful scheme’ and failure, which caused the crisis (opposition Virgo-Pisces).


February 26th saw the unveiling of his first budget, which he introduced with the words “hard choices lie ahead” (Mercury-Vesta square) and then went on to suggest “honest accounting of where we are and where we intend to go” (Mercury-Venus sextile and Sun-Ceres opposition) in the context of “a new era of responsibility”. Here can be noticed how Mercury’s aspects from the prior day flow into the next one when Mercury moved on to form a conjunction with Juno (Venus is also holding a semi-sextile with Vesta). Every conjunction means also the start of a new synodic cycle – thus the reference to a new era affecting the socio-political process (conjunction in Aquarius).


 On February 27th we had a semi-square between Mars in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn. That was the day when the President visited the troops at a camp in N.C. and delivered a powerful speech (Mercury-Pluto) that was uplifting, inspiring (Aquarius) and a memorable message (Mercury-Pluto) to the officers (Mars) at the same time. He also announced the end of the combat role (Mars-Pluto) in Iraq by setting a date (Mercury). – It’s apparent that Mercury is in close pursuit of Mars as his ‘influence’ comes clearly through in the events. A semi-square as an octile aspect is an indicator of high tension. In this case, it resulted in decisive action (Mercury-Mars) transmitted via communication (Mercury) and there was something final about it (Pluto), intended to correct a course of action from the past and simultaneously bringing hope to a ‘desperate’ situation (Aquarian Mars semi-square Pluto in Capricorn).


As Mercury then cast the semi-square to Pluto and Mars a quincunx to Saturn Rx in Virgo on the next day, February 28, the President showed off his combative side by vowing to fight for his budget proposal and declaring his readiness to do so. Again, the communication centers on the “outrageous”, unconventional high budget (Aquarius)and sends a strong message (Mercury-Mars-Pluto), whereby the President uses his authority (Saturn) and signals his readiness to fight if necessary (Mars quincunx Saturn).


Next, the war in Afghanistan became a hot topic (Mercury-Mars conjunction perfected on March 1st – on a side note: there was more upheaval in Asia on that weekend). An analysis (Virgo) mentioned “Tactical success, strategic defeat in Afghanistan” on March 2nd when Mercury sextiled Eris in Aries and Ceres Rx in Virgo engaged in a sesqui-quadrate to the latter. Eris is a symbol of discord and as this refers to an ongoing war (Aries) and situation that causes grief and sorrow (Ceres) in a country known for its history of violence based on tribal feuding and foreign occupation, it’s not surprising that the military attacks from the days before (Mercury-Mars-Pluto) rekindled the fire of resistance (sextile between the signs Aquarius and Aries).


On March 3rd, Mercury in Aquarius aspected Chiron by conjunction and Uranus with a semi-sextile and Mars sextiled Eris. Another issue of strife was addressed as the President offered a deal to Russia in a letter. Since we have a conjunction here, involving Mercury and Chiron, this was a different approach aiming toward future collaboration (Aquarius) between these two “archenemies” (Mars-Eris) by offering (sextile) a ‘turnaround’ (Aquarius) in regard to a subject of controversy (Mercury-Uranus) that caused a ‘wound’ in their relations (Mercury-Chiron).


March 4th was the day of the First Quarter Moon that also witnessed a sextile between Venus in Aries and Pallas in Gemini and a semi-sextile between Mars and Uranus. Obama ordered the overhaul of federal contracting and the details of the housing aid plan were unveiled. These were new strategies designed to lessen the financial ‘threat’ (Venus sextile Pallas) and to change the ‘fraud schemes’ of the past by adding competition (Mars-Uranus), which was also in the sense of putting an end to waste and negligence caused by lack of oversight and unwise deals and extended to the President’s own fleet of Helicopters of which he was reminded by his former rival Senator McCain (Gemini-Moon square Pisces Sun).


Two remarkable conjunctions happened on March 5th – between Mercury and Neptune and between Mars and Chiron – the day of the Proposition 8 hearing in California. Proposition 8 became a symbol of regress on the day of perfection of the first Saturn-Uranus opposition that put Obama in the office of the presidency, which was a matter of societal progress. So, it was to be expected that this theme would come up again at the time of these powerful conjunctions in Aquarius, the sign of the individual and the collective, where we aspire toward fairness, liberty and humanitarianism by guaranteeing equal rights for all. As the health industry backed Obama’s plan he also started the health-care push this day, which is another societal ache (Chiron in Aquarius). What Prop 8 concerns – in the eye of the law it would be unconstitutional (Aquarius), but we know that justice is blind and that humans can be pretty ignorant (Neptune-Chiron). These two major issues call for new strategies too; for a fresher, innovative, signs-of-the-times approach (in the context of the First Quarter Phase).


Venus turned retrograde on March 6 when Juno semi-squared Pluto and the Pisces Sun squared Pallas. That was when it was first announced that Obama was to lift the embryonic stem cell limits imposed by the previous administration. News also surfaced of a soaring jobless rate and an article was written about the pillars of the U.S. economy, the iconic corporate giants, which are crumbling. Here we have another revised strategy that has to do with the Plutonic process of transformation, DNA and the question what defines life and who is to decide (Pisces Sun square Pallas in Gemini). These aspects also tell us via the other news that things are getting worse as the world economy is heading deeper into recession with no end in sight.


The next day, March 7, Obama stated that crises are times of great opportunity. His visit to Turkey was announced as the U.S. re-engaged in talks with Syria. Juno was now in a quincunx to Saturn Rx in Virgo, an aspect of adjustment. With the Pisces Sun in sextile to Vesta in Taurus, the message is that ‘sacrifices’ will sustain the cause if we know how to take advantage of the situation. Then, as Vesta formed a sesqui-quadrate to Pluto on March 9, Obama made it official and reversed the stem cell policy, though is still tested by the overall task of health-care reform, one of his major objectives regarding structural change. Moreover, the same day he ordered a review of Bush’s signing statements – another move to reverse obstructive and obsolete arrangements made for the securing of ultimate power to the commander-in-chief (Vesta-Pluto). Vesta holds also a trine to Saturn Rx in Virgo, which perfected on March 10.


Things usually come to a head at the time of the Full Moon and accordingly an article on March 10th reportet that Obama’s agenda sparks an internal revolt as Democrats start to read the fine print of the bills. Not only is the Virgo Moon approaching opposition to the Pisces Sun, we have also a sextile between Mercury in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, which offers an opportunity for power plays the moment the Dems became aware of the entire content of the bills. As the Full Moon aligns with the Saturn-Uranus opposition this involves the structural reform that began with the new administration. Obama also unveiled his education plan. His statement: “Despite resources that are unmatched anywhere in the world, we have let our grades slip, our schools crumble, our teacher quality fall short, and other nations outpace us. The relative decline of American education is untenable for our economy, unsustainable for our democracy, and unacceptable for our children. We cannot afford to let it continue. What is at stake is nothing less than the American dream.” – This is as perfect as it gets in expressing the daily energy weather; even the Vesta-Saturn trine is contained in these sentences.


Another example I used for my review regarding the latest Solar Eclipse was the case of the “octomom” Nadia Suleman (keynote for the lunation was “a child being born from an egg”). She too made news today as she will apparently move into a new home and get support in form of free nursing. The Sun-Uranus opposition to Moon-Saturn from the signs Pisces to Virgo indicates the need for support, particularly in regard to child care, as well as the necessity for a new home after her mom’s came up for foreclosure. Her father provided the chance of moving into a more suitable home by taking on the mortgage (Vesta-Saturn and Mercury-Pluto).

Love&Peace – Verena Donath@
