Happy New Year 2020!

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, peaceful, successful, amazing and blessed New Year 2020!

Shortly before Christmas I started writing a blog post about the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse, but didn’t get to finish it. Except for the statutory holidays I worked every day and then spent the holidays with my daughter, son-in-law and the grandkids. Of course, I didn’t take the laptop with me. This was cherished family time we all enjoyed very much. Since a new year is beginning, I’ve also been busy with readings. However, it’s important that I complete what I started in the old year before the new one begins.

Here is the late New Moon post:

The Capricorn New Moon is an Annular Solar Eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs at a New Moon when the Moon, the Earth and the Sun align with the Moon’s nodal axis and the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun. During an annular solar eclipse the Sun and the Moon are exactly in line, but the Moon is too far away and thus too small to completely cover the Sun’s disc. Thus, the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the dark ball of the Moon.

In astrological terms this means, an important event or issue has the potential to be life altering and to affect us profoundly in the area of our life, where the Eclipse has an impact, triggering individual and collective transitions that are marked by endings and new beginnings. An Eclipse is a pattern-setting event with duration for up to half a year and longer that sets the ‘tone’ for some time to come, while the theme of it can be felt already when it’s approaching.

Eclipses can be game and fame changers. They belong furthermore to a larger pattern; each Eclipse is a member of a family and each family has specific characteristics. The current Solar Eclipse is a member of the Saros Series 3 South, which means the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse is conjunct the South Node of the Moon, a point of extraction that is associated with the release and filtering of accumulated energies.

This Saros Series was the last time around on December 30, 2001, whereas the same degree was activated in December 2000 (look for the common theme) and it’s hallmark is the New Moon’s conjunction with Mercury, in addition to Venus’s conjunction with Mars and Pluto’s conjunction with the nodal axis on the midpoint of Mars/Uranus and Venus/Uranus, for which Bernadette Brady gives the following interpretation:

“This family of eclipses brings with it the sudden ending of associations or of a relationship, possibly with a younger person. There is a large emotional component, as Pluto is involved, and a sense of traumatic transformation. This can be through news received or short journeys undertaken.”

(Bernadette Brady, “The eagle and the lark”, Appendices, Page 312)

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 4:06 Capricorn states:

“Indians on the warpath. While some men row a well-filled canoe, others in it perform a war dance. Keynote: The mobilization of physical and emotional energies in a spirit of conquest – AGGRESSIVENESS.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Page 232)

Taken together, these statements suggest that there’s a conflict of interest in a relationship situation that has accumulated over time and this has now reached a point, where action is being taken. Indeed, it is inevitable. We’re motivated, even driven, and ready to do something about this. The spirit of conquest has overtaken us; we’re prepared to fight, including our own fears and nature, to take charge and accomplish what we set out to do. As we move forward with the force of our conviction and also as a matter of necessity we leave behind familiar territory and an old life.

Juno in Libra’s quincunx to Neptune in Pisces together with Venus in Aquarius’ quincunx to the North Node in Cancer and Pallas in Sagittarius’s semi-sextile to Saturn in Capricorn show that adjustments have to be made in order for us to have our expectations, hopes and ideals met in our engagements with others and also to be able to take care of our future prospects and our own prospering and wellbeing. Conditions require from us to get organized, do the necessary work and strive toward the achievement of our goals in single steps.

Tarot card of the day is the “Ace of Cups”, suggesting that love is the essence of the situation and that positive energy and emotion can be created, if we let our heart lead the way and empathize and cooperate with others. This is a time of giving and peacemaking, when we have a new opportunity to help or bring happiness to others and vice versa and when relationships can be taken to a new level or when there’s a new beginning in our interactions with others. Something is being offered to us that holds the promise of a new beginning on the emotional or spiritual level and the potential for happiness. This card can moreover represent the start of a project in which a great deal of loving and creative energy is invested. We are at a point in our life where we are comfortable with who we are and express that part to others. Moreover, we see new potential, are open to new possibilities as well as to the stimulation of our imagination, which allows our creative juices to flow and our talents to unfold. In general, we can make a fresh start and there’s a chance that things may change for the better from now on, especially what our happiness and contentment concerns.

Grey abstract Happy New Year 2020 poster with snow.

Astro-Notes on December 11, 2019 – Gemini Full Moon

The Gemini Full Moon that transpires tonight at 9:12 pm PST brings the Sagittarius lunation cycle to its culmination, thereby highlighting the axis of the mind. Our beliefs, opinions, viewpoints, options, quest and personal truth are confronted by plain, simple facts we have to take into consideration. In the grander scheme of things there are usually two sides to any given situation, which might cast issues in a different light.

Mercury in Sagittarius, the ruler of this Full Moon, is forming a quincunx with retrograde Uranus in Taurus and a semi-square with the Venus-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. No matter what we thought we knew or what our understanding of the issue is, a revelation or new information about the reality of a material situation and the reward or appreciation this involves is most likely going to change our perspective and at the same time reinforcing our conviction concerning an idea or inspiration that’s been on our mind for a while.

Although, beliefs we’ve been holding onto in spite of our better knowing could have been shattered, as this new synodic cycle begins, we have a chance to work on the realization of our material ambitions, values and needs. With the Full Moon engaged in adjusting aspects to the Venus-Saturn conjunction, we will adapt and take the necessary steps to ensure our growth and prosperity.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 19:51 Gemini states:
“A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions. Keynote: The assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of the mind – ASSIMILATION.”
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 19:51 Sagittarius states:
“In an old-fashioned northern village, men cut the ice of a frozen pond for use during the summer. Keynote: The foresighted use of natural resources to supply future human needs – ASSURING SUPPLY.
(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Pages 102-103 and 222, respectively)

Variety and diversity guarantee that there is no shortage of supply.

Tarot card of the day is the “7 of Swords”, a card that highlights mind games and emphasizes the need to be ahead of the game. Plotting and planning, scheming, resourcefulness, thinking on our feet and even outsmarting our opponents are the strategies we should employ now. If something doesn’t work out as planned or expected, we need to stretch our mind and look for an alternative. In addition, we could be facing serious relationship issues, where it is best to avoid any confrontation, but to use logic, new approaches and our wits instead. Moreover, we need to be alert and on our guard and be aware of who to trust.