Astro-Notes on April 23-24, 2011 – forward movement

Yesterday morning at 06:03 am EDT did Mercury station direct at 12:53 Aries. His shadow period extends to May 11 though, a time during which initiated and reviewed issues of the retrograde period can come up for re-visitation. All Mercury-related matters, such as communication, connections and mobility, should begin to move forward now, however, according to the Tarot card for that day, “The Chariot”, careful steering is recommended.  We’re advised to take control, harness our energy and apply it wisely instead of letting the developments carry us along. There is a need to remain focused and to keep the emotions in check with both, Mars, Mercury’s dispositor, and Venus, indicator of our feeling nature, in Aries.

Today sees a creative conception triangle being formed between the Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries and Chiron in Pisces in addition to a semi-sextile between Pallas in Aquarius and Ceres in Pisces, allowing us to sustain our vision with renewed commitment in order to resolve a delicate issue to our satisfaction, thereby facilitating the healing process. The “crisis in consciousness”, associated with the Third Quarter Moon at 10:46 pm EDT, challenges us to instigate progress to liberate us from a stagnant situation as conditions of renewal are approaching. Nothing needs to last forever.   

Tarot card of the day is the “Six of Wands”, indicating success and achievement. Problems are overcome. This shining moment has not easily been won, however. Much effort has gone into securing it. Knowledge combined with intuition has helped us bringing things to conclusion.

Follow us this afternoon from 4 pm – 6 pm on BlogTalkRadio. Our guest is renowned astrologer Judi Vitale, who will discuss with us the upcoming royal wedding. Check out Judi’s website here:

And here’s the link to the show:


Astro-Notes on April 21, 2011 – valor

Venus made ingress to Aries, where she will be traversing until May 15, at 00:06 am EDT this night. This transit corresponds to a period when we’re going after appreciation, contentment and validation, initiate relationships and fight for our worth, values and possessions. A semi-sextile from Venus in Aries to Neptune in Pisces is accompanied by another semi-sextile from Vesta in Aquarius to Pluto Rx in Capricorn and indicative of a shift from yesterday’s meditative, contemplative state to a straightforward approach and an active engaging and energy investment in our cause in order to consolidate our position and influence.  

Tarot card of the day is the “7 of Wands”, suggesting to go after what we want. There are many issues to be dealt with at this time. We must have courage and not give up now as we have the ability to succeed if we are prepared to keep trying. From our perspective we may sometimes see obstacles. In reality, they are challenges that we are capable of taking on board. This card can denote a struggle for which great tenacity is required. If such strength of character can be found, all obstacles will be overcome in the end.

Astro-Notes on April 20, 2011 – suspension and reflection

The Sun made ingress to Taurus this morning at 6:17 am EDT and engaged in a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. This began a period of building up our sense of Self and self-esteem, of securing our existence and persevering on our path, whereby we have a chance to attune ourselves to the universal rhythm and follow the natural flow of things. Mars in Aries’ quincunx to Juno Rx in Virgo indicates a motivational adjustment that allows us to work out the details of our initiatives during a rather relaxed interlude.

Tarot card of the day is “The Hanged Man”, suggesting a temporary pause when it is advisable to cultivate patience. It’s time to reflect and to focus on our needs. There might be a notion of sacrifice or of feeling trapped, but the ability to adapt to changing circumstances can bring inner peace. Rest now and let everything find its own balance. (The word imprinted on the bottom of the card is German and means “The Test”.)

Today is the anniversary of the explosion on a drilling platform that caused the death of 11 workers and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Just for your information – this day is also the birthday of Adolf Hitler. Considering the state of affairs in the devastated Gulf region after the ecocide committed on nature (showing us the parallels between Fascism and the Holocaust and Ecocide as a form of Eco-Fascism) it is indeed time to reflect (Neptune in Pisces) and to focus on our emotional security needs (Taurus), which is even more important now that we’re exposed to a continuous stream (Pisces) of radiation, of invisible poisons traveling the air and entering our soil and water due to the precipitation we’re experiencing (Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces). It has been pouring rain since yesterday night here in Western Ontario, Canada and yes, we’re in the path of the Jetstream. I’ve been holding onto my spirit stone I got yesterday from my friend Sharon as she visited with me. She had another one for my daughter. The blessings are coming in, but my faith (Neptune) is severly tested under these circumstances. However, we’re preparing a dream circle for Monday, where we’ll be talking about the Moon’s influence on our dreams when she traverses through the different signs of the zodiac, which is a theory brought forward by Connie Cockrell Kaplan. Thus, I’m keeping myself busy, while staying inside and waiting out the rain (Mars in Aries quincunx Juno Rx in Virgo; The Hanged Man).

Astro-Notes on April 17, 2011 – Libra Full Moon

As this lunation cycle culminates at 27:44 Libra/Aries at 10:43 pm EDT and provides us with a measure of success and failure concerning the seeds planted at the time of the Aries New Moon, the Moon’s dispositor Venus is in Pisces in semi-square aspect to Pallas in Aquarius, stressing that an intuitive approach should inform and flow into our intellectual maneuvering, whereby we have a chance to connect with a higher intelligence that allows us to make smarter choices. Another semi-square formed between Jupiter in Aries and Chiron in Pisces adds to the pressure we feel in regard to reaching our objectives and also reemphasizes the need to develop a sense for possibilities and options and then make decisions based on a holistic perspective. Important is to renew our commitment and our faith to the cause, while believing in progress and in our ability to shape the future to our liking.   

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon states:

“A man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding and assisting him. Keynote: The realization at any level of existence that one is never alone and that the ‘community’ – visible or invisible – is sustaining one’s efforts – INNER ASSURANCE.”

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun states:

“A large audience confronts the performer who disappointed its expectations. Keynote: The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism – RESPONSIBILITY.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations And Its 360 Symbolic Phases, Pages 190 and 69, respectively)

Tarot card of the day is “The High Priestess”, representing opposites of reality and a heightening of the powers of intuition to be used as a means of guidance. She sits between the end and the beginning, conveying the understanding that change is a constant.  We need to look for areas of our life that are out of balance. Knowledge of how to fix it will not come through logic or the intellect, but through our intuition and creative visualization techniques. It is important now to trust our deeper feelings and listen to our inner voice. The male and female principles portrayed in the Sabian Symbol for the Aries New Moon (“A serpent coiling near a man and a woman. Keynote: Identification in bipolar relationship with the impersonal rhythm of natural energy – RITUALIZATION OF RELATIONSHIP.”) have reached a point, where the feminine principle now needs to balance the masculine force.

Personally, I’m disappointed that I cannot participate on our monthly Full Moon circle, because it’s too stressful for my daughter to drive all the distance there and back here when she has to go to work the next morning. I really didn’t want to miss out on these special gatherings with the wonderful women I’ve connected with over the course of the last few months, but I have to think differently now that I moved so far away, which means I have to arrange for ways to be there in the future.

Astro-Notes on April 11, 2011 – are we winning or losing?

As the waxing Cancer Moon squares the Aries Sun at the First Quarter Phase of the lunation, the corresponding “crisis in action” is a test of our determination to nurture the impulse started at the time of the Aries New Moon, which refers to the ritualization of relationship. Mars, the ruler of this lunation cycle, is square Pluto Rx in Capricorn, while Ceres in Pisces forms a sextile to the latter, compelling us into managing our circumstances by taking the necessary steps to concretize the ideal conditions we have envisioned and thus to regain control over a challenging situation. Mercury Rx in Aries engages in a semi-sextile to Venus in Pisces and then conjuncts Jupiter in Aries, thereby assisting us in adjusting our attitude accordingly and in setting the course for the new direction, while expanding our initiatives in order to not let arising opportunities slip by. A non-compromising approach from a reviewed perspective is required. With Venus in Pisces semi-square Vesta in Aquarius and the Sun conjunct Eris in Aries we want to take our chances and make choices in our self-interest, which advance our individual and collective cause. Winning or losing is stressed.


Tarot card of the day is “The Tower”, suggesting that change brings freedom and that there’s a need to climb out of a rut. Lightning is striking. This card is furthermore associated with inevitable change outside our control, such as a sudden illness, disruption or shock.


In the news:

          One month on, Japan rattled by big aftershock, while high radiation levels force expansion of the nuclear evacuation zone.  

          Tornadoes slam Midwest. More storms are coming.

          Peace deal in doubt; Libya airstrikes go on

          Gas prices continue to rise