Astro-Notes on April 5, 2019 – Aries New Moon

Early this morning at 1:50 am PDT did the New Moon in Aries transpire. This is the first new lunation cycle in the astrological year and an auspicious time to set intentions, which concern our self-assertion and -determination, our existence, ‘I am-ness’ or Beingness, our motivation, drive and initiative and our action-urge, courage and primal instincts. However, like the equinox itself that happened on a Full Moon, this fresh start is tied to an ending or finalization in our life’s story as Pluto’s conjunction to the South Node in Capricorn looms large in the background.

Pluto, god of the underworld, is a symbol of the seed, of our psyche, of things concealed, of subconscious forces that lie hidden below the threshold of our conscious mind and thus represents our shadow, obsessions, complexes, passions, intense emotions and compulsions. He is also a symbol of transformation, power, rebirth and renewal.

Whereas the South Node is a point of extraction, release, overcompensation and least resistance. Their coupling brings a purging or eliminating of a pattern, habit or structure from the past we have relied upon for a long time and of the way we managed our resources, potential and business in this regard. Because as ‘fate’ or circumstances would have it, this conflicts now with our future prospects and therefore, we’re confronted with the task of overhauling, reorganizing or restructuring these affairs.

A quincunx from Juno in Gemini to the Pluto-South Node conjunction in Capricorn is calling for adaptation, flexibility and adjustment in our interactions with others. Contracts could be terminated or contractors could be switched. Some bridges could be burnt. With Vesta approaching a conjunction to Chiron in Aries, we are starting over, dedicated and invested in our cause, aware of the problems, issues and battles lying ahead of us, we will have to survive and conquer and also of the possibility of hurting ourselves in the process.

We don’t really have a choice though as we cannot stop the changes, which have been set in motion by forces beyond our control. Our situation is reforming; we’re being kicked out of our comfort zone and have to go with the flow, whether we like it or not. Some bubbles might burst. Uranus in Taurus is semi-square Neptune in Pisces and semi-sextile the Vesta-Chiron conjunction. However, our success in this matter is entirely up to us and our attitude – the Pluto-South Node conjunction is square Eris in Aries. Our future sustenance is at stake here. We need to bring out our competitive spirit and promote ourselves, showing that we mean business and this requires that we become more versatile and learn new skills and at the same time we have to be mindful and come up with win-win scenarios.


The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 15:17 Aries states:

“Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset. Keynote: Attunement to the potency of invisible forces of nature – REPOTENTIALIZATION.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases, Pages 62-63)

Tarot card of the day is the “2 of Cups”, suggesting that there is a mutual understanding between the people involved in a relationship and that interactions are balanced and harmonious, because of an awareness of the expectations each person has, which allows for growth and very special relationships. Our focus is on win-win situations as we show kindness and thoughtfulness.