Astro-Notes on September 28, 2019 – New Moon in Libra

A new lunation cycle begins today at 11:26 am PDT as the Moon and the Sun meet at 5:20 Libra with their ruler Venus also in Libra, one of the signs she rules. This is a good time for setting intentions toward interpersonal harmony, balance, cooperation, partnership, teamwork, interdependence, fairness, poise, grace, peace, tactfulness, diplomatic means, charm, accommodation, the occasional compromise, refinement, sophistication as well as reaching agreement and consensus etc.

The New Moon’s quincunx to retrograde Uranus in Taurus requires from us to make the necessary adjustments and changes during this cycle to be able to break away from unproductive habits and routines and ensure our progress. A sextile from Venus to Jupiter offers us opportunities in this regard through relationships and the proper evaluation of our needs, desires, talents, assets, priorities and attachments, whereas Mercury’s opposition to retrograde Eris brings awareness of discord through inner dialogue that confronts us with the pros and cons of issues we need to weigh and assess in order to get our message across and create win/win situations.

Pallas in Scorpio, Ceres in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn are connected to the nodal axis, turning our focus to patterns of the past and their results and consequences, which need to be worked out for the sake of our future prospects by employing strategies that help us growing our influence, increasing support and manifesting our goals and ambitions through resourcefulness, competence, outreach and capable management.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 5:20 Libra states:
“A man watching his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision. Keynote: The need to visualize clearly one’s dreams or ideals in order to make them truly effectual – INTERIOR FORMULATION.”
Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases” (Pages 175-176)

To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan, believe and act.

Achieving Success by Visualizing Dreams and Goals

Tarot card of the day is “The Lovers”, indicating choices where moral values are questioned, especially in relationship situations. A decision must be made about which we feel divided. We may be struggling with temptations and need to remember that the most attractive option is not always the best one. Problems can be overcome via reconciliation, through harmony and cooperation.

Astro-Notes on September 13, 2019 – Pisces Full Moon

Thanks God, it’s Friday. However, it’s Friday, the 13th and we have a Full Moon in Pisces. What could possibly go wrong???……

The Full Moon’s ruler Mercury is in his home sign Virgo and conjunct Venus, which means a new synodic cycle is beginning at this highpoint in the lunation cycle, during which we have a chance to analyze matters of communication and connectedness in regard to their value and need for us and be selective about our associations and relationships and this theme is playing out and coming to a head in our work environment or in another area of service, or in matters of health, efficiency and functionality.

A Full Moon happens when the Moon opposes the Sun and this one is activating the Pisces/Virgo axis. It’s also falling exactly on my natal Moon in Pisces in my 7th house (I have a lunar return that is a spooky Full Moon).

Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn and retrograde Uranus in Taurus are engaging this Full Moon, allowing for circumstances beyond our control to interrupt the flow of our daily routines and turning things upside down. The square between Juno in Virgo and Ceres in Sagittarius with both of them forming harsh sesqui-quadrates to retrograde Eris in Aries shows strained relationship dynamics that undergo lots of tensions and discord due to having too many things on our plate and not enough support to count on. Consequently, tolerance levels are low and discord rears it’s ugly head now and then. We are no happy campers, barely succeeding with our tasks, while struggling with human errors and faults.

As if that’s not enough, Mars in Virgo activates the Jupiter-Neptune square in the approach of the Full Moon. This is when things go from bad to worse, challenging us to cling to our sanity and to keep our faith, commitment and focus under chaotic, messy or just unfortunate conditions while being caught in a tidal wave of malfunction, invasiveness, or even hostility we can’t seem to escape from.

Case in point, after a few days of dealing with losses, delays, ignorance, uncertainties, cancellations and things not working out, my boss’ email got hacked, which resulted in our phones ringing off the hook with all phone lines being busy for at least 2 hours in a row as our customers, suppliers and other contacts were wondering and inquiring about the email that was sent out to them from my boss’ account. It was spam, of course, and we had to confirm that and explain the story a thousand times over. Needless to say that this didn’t help with our work load.

In typical Pisces fashion, all of us were overwhelmed. We’re all tired and beaten. This was a week from hell. In fact, yesterday morning I thought I had entered the twilight zone as I couldn’t believe what was transpiring. It was just unreal. One person sick again, another one late again, a third one sleeping in etc. etc. etc. And when I did my weekly grocery run after work, the heavens opened up and it poured rain for hours. Everything was soaking wet, including my feet after I had to walk through puddles of water. The traffic was backed up everywhere, coming to a grinding halt every now and then and moving so slowly that it took me hours to get home.

But when you’re surrounded by water, you have to learn to swim. You surrender, adapt to the current and follow the flow.

Thus, as the Virgo lunation cycle climaxes in the Pisces Full Moon (at 9:32 pm PDT), the impulse that sounded forth at the time of the Pisces New Moon back in March also comes to fruition. In the symbolical language of the Sabians we get the following: ‘The emptiness of waiting’ (keynote of the SS for the Virgo NM) has resulted in a ‘great peak experience’ (keynote of the SS for the Pisces FM) due to us ‘relying on our subjective strength’ (keynote of the SS for the Pisces NM from March 6), which in turn bestows us with some form of ‘aristocratic status or nobility’ (keynote of the SS for the Virgo Sun). This ‘royal coat of arms or office’ (SS for the Pisces Sun) is our ‘mandate’ (keyword for the Pisces FM), which means we learnt how to ‘put to use’ (keynote for the SS of the Virgo NM) or make the best of this experience.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 21:05 Pisces states:
“A prophet carrying tablets of the new law is walking down the slopes of Mount Sinai. Keynote: The need to bring down to the level of everyday existence the clear realizations made manifest in a great peak experience – MANDATE.”
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 21:05 Virgo states:
“A royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones. Keynote: The certification of aristocratic status at whatever level ‘nobility’ expresses itself in cultural eminence – NOBILITY (assume a royal office).”

Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases” (Pages 282-283 and 164-165, respectively)

Tarot card of the day is “Temperance”, suggesting a need for emotional stability, which can be achieved through moderation and a commitment to sobriety. We need to find middle ground, avoid excess, foster cooperation, cleanse our body and mind, heal ourselves and recognize the flow in our life. As we observe the nature of energy, we learn how to mix the right ingredients in our own life to maintain equilibrium and see all imbalances drifting away. Instead of sweeping changes subtle shifts need to take place. With renewed energy and vigor comes the promise of new growth.