Reflections on March 30th&31st, 2010 – the human condition

On Tuesday did Venus in Aries perfect her sextile to Chiron in Aquarius to let the Full Moon theme linger on through recently incured wounds. Accordingly, U.S. President Obama signed the healthcare “fixes” bill; the second major rain storm of the month pounded the Northeast of the U.S., pushing rivers over their banks, closing roads and schools and prompting evacuations; and 9 teens in Massachusetts have been charged in the death of a 15-year-old girl, who prosecutors claim was tormented into taking her own life or in other words “bullying suicide” after enduring months of verbal assault and threats – a case that brought us face to face with acts of inhumanity, which created uproar and shock as did the one regarding the dumped dead babies in China.

For us here, the water had been turned off again from morning til evening after they had reassured us that they had fixed it and we had emptied our containers with the stored water. This is how the system works in our part of the world and the average, friendly Canadian will just accept it. Since I couldn’t do what I had intended to do for that day I checked with mom and later on had also a chance to connect with Carola. At night we watched the movie “Sherlock Holmes” on DVD. Really entertaining and refreshingly different, in my humble opinion. Sadly though, I couldn’t understand Robert Downey Jr.’s accent most of the time and J had to rewind and then to repeat it for me. Here we go again. 😦 – Venus was in aspect to Chiron and I felt a bit like an “outcast” (outlandish would be a better choice of words).

Two cards fell out of my Tarot deck – the “Princess of Wands” covered by the “2 of Cups”, which can be interpreted as leaving things to chance and enjoying the lively conversations instead. However, I was also reminded that it’s time to use my creativity and start in a new direction – so far, I reflected for a few hours upon this suggestion.

In the meantime, it’s Wednesday and the Moon has ingressed Scorpio, providing me with the necessary power to accomplish my chores. I’ve been busy disposing of the garbage and doing laundry until Venus ingressed Taurus. The entire house smells different now. In the afternoon I’ve relaxed for a while with an astro book in the nice sunshine outside, celebrating Venus’ sign change. Our neighbor to the right came to the fence and exchanged a few niceties with me, taking a short break from his spring cleaning activities. Venus engaged in a quincunx with Saturn Rx in Libra and Mercury, following into Venus’ footsteps, has been forming a semi-sextile with Uranus and a sextile with Neptune today in addition to Juno’s sesqui-quadrate to Pluto. Everybody seems to be ‘dusting off’ the winter, now that ‘resurrection’ time approaches. 

U.S. President Obama, who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill, has sought to reach out to Republicans by signaling he is open to allowing offshore drilling, providing coastlines are protected. Allowing offshore drilling also would create jobs and reduce U.S. long-term dependence on foreign oil. – That’s the official version offered to the public, but let’s not forget that Mercury is sextile Neptune in this picture. – Speaking at Andrews air base outside Washington, Obama said, “This is not a decision that I’ve made lightly.” He addressed the expected outcry from disappointed environmentalists by saying he had studied the issue for more than a year and concluded it was the right call given the nation’s voracious thirst for energy and the need to produce jobs and keep American businesses competitive. The president said moreover his decision is part of a broader strategy that also includes expanding the production of nuclear power and clean energy sources, to “move us from an economy that runs on fossil fuels and foreign oil to one that relies more on homegrown fuels and clean energy.” – The daily aspect pattern is well represented in this example: he addresses a sensitive theme directly that will disappoint environmentalists and other groups of people from which a public outcry can be expected – Mercury in aspect to Uranus and Neptune (both are still in mutual reception). This is repeated in Juno’s tense aspect to Pluto with Juno representing our principle of relating and Pluto as an indicator of natural resources, nuclear power and the economy – this announcement won’t sit well with conservationists – is it really just a reaching out to move a stalled bill or is it a sellout to big business – Venus in Taurus quincunx Saturn Rx in Libra?

Tarot card of the day is the “Prince of Wands” – a significator of an impetuous, intelligent young man, who has great plans for the future (go figure!). It certainly corresponded to the dynamic energy and the unexpected opportunities I was experiencing today.               




Reflections on March 29th, 2010 – martyr madness

The Moon ingressed Libra yesterday morning to meet the Sun in Aries in a Full Moon standoff late in the night, while Venus formed a lesser triangle with Uranus in Pisces and the separating Neptune-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius (see blogpost What came to a head with the peaking of this particular lunation cycle and Venus in Aries, involved in such a pattern, ruling over it was aggression to which females contributed. Terror returned to the heart of Russia, with two deadly suicide bombings on the jam-packed Moscow subway system at rush hour, including an attack at the station beneath the headquarters of the secret police. These attacks were carried out by two female suicide bombers in what is most likely a retaliatory strike by Islamic militants of the North Caucasus region. The death toll rose to 39 and more than 60 people were wounded. In this sad scenario did the females take on a Neptunian character, playing out the triad of the martyr, perpetrator and redeemer and Uranus added an element of surprise to the ‘equation’ from which panic ensued, resulting in a ‘stampede’ (Aries) as people desperately tried to escape from the scene of the attacks. – Another disturbing event took place in the Detroiter area, where nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged yesterday with plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral — all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the U.S. government. One female was among the arrested. Here, we have an example of religious extremism, based on a “belief gone wrong” – with even an element of the ‘morbid’ (Neptune-Uranus), that centered around violence (Aries). – Both groups went ahead with their different projects, as ‘foretold’ by the Sabian Symbol for the Pisces New Moon. Their intention was to create chaos (Uranus) and to hurt countless others (Neptune-Chiron).  

I had just started to write the first of my Easter Greeting Cards as J sent me a message to check if we still had water. When I replied with yes, he sent me a link from a local news provider that showed a massive problem due to a break in a major pipeline that had flooded an entire field in our area and turned it into a mini-lake and had caused some areas losing water pressure and even water supply. They had to close schools and residents were scrambling for bottled water. The episode ended in a blame game with insults being exchanged (Venus-Uranus-Neptune-Chiron). I, for my part, had to interrupt my activities and fill up all the containers I could find. Fortunately, they were able to fix this over night, but I had to waste all this water since we haven’t planted yet, neither do we have an immersion coil every household used to have prior to these ‘modern’ times to heat up the water – another example of the astroweather.

Tarot card of the day was “The Druid”, a card that relates to higher guidance, but also to ‘conforming to rules’, which was certainly the case. I was forewarned and acted accordingly. My Easter Greetings were only completed at night when the post office was already closed. So, they’ll be arriving late this time – but rather late than never. 🙂

Libra Full Moon 2010

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon states:

“Having passed safely through narrow rapids, a canoe reaches calm waters. Keynote: The self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability – RELIEF.”

 For the Sun it states:

“A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images. Keynote: Revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience – ABSTRACTION.”

 (Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases”, Pages 178 and 56-57, respectively)

The Full Moon is a time of culmination, when the seeds planted at the New Moon are coming to a head. Therefore, developments that have taken shape after the new impulse had been released together with the Pisces New Moon 2 weeks earlier will now be revealed in their full light in a measurement of success and failure. This confrontation takes place with the fully illuminated disc of the Moon in Libra reflecting the light of the Sun in Aries, showing the effect our actions during this waxing Moon phase have had on our interrelationships in form of the responses and reactions coming our way and vice versa. In the Pisces New Moon chart Sun and Moon were conjunct the just perfecting Mercury-Uranus conjunction and semi-square Juno in Taurus. Accordingly, difference of opinion as well as voicing our individuality was part and parcel of the experiences and promised by the Sabian Symbol’s message, which stated “that different people realized that they had to go ahead with their different projects” onto which D.R. elaborated “In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact (varied personalities take varied steps) and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response”. (Page 285)

Especially with the stressful aspect to Juno in Taurus was it to be expected that attempts toward progress and reform (Uranus), particular of the kind that’s based on inconceivable and incomprehensible ideals (Sun-Moon-Mercury in Pisces) as perceived by others, would be met with stubborn resistance and even rebellion (Uranus) by those who feel victimized (Pisces), stripped off their rights (Uranus in Pisces) or see their wishes, wants, hopes or expectations unappreciated, or worse, disregarded.  Venus in Aries’ (ruler over the Libra Full Moon) involvement in a lesser triangle with the separating Neptune-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces in the Full Moon chart now offers a chance for some form of reconciliation if we can find it in our heart to reach out and settle those disappointments using emotional and social intelligence. The Sabian Symbols pertaining to the Sun-Moon polarity emphasize “a state of inner stability”, which can be achieved by making an effort to calm down aroused tempers, heal hurt egos and sympathize with those angered and upset; reiterated by the quincunx between Mars in Leo (ruler over the Aries Sun) and Ceres in Capricorn that asks for an adjustment. “A revision of attitude” as suggested by the Sabians would be to take responsibility, show that we can be relied on and at the same token demonstrate our strength in addition to our ability to lead or manage, as the case may be. Jupiter in Pisces’ trine to the South Node in Cancer indicates that uniting behind a common goal is a means to move past old sentiments in order to grow support and sustain credibility. 

Reflections on March 28th, 2010 – heart over head

Yesterday, Mercury, the planet associated with schedules, data and connections, conjuncted Eris in Aries, the goddess representing the war mentality, and then participated in the Pallas-Vesta square with a quincunx and a trine, respectively. Thus, the time was ripe to direct the attention to the war business to keep the spirit of the troops alive and burning bright amidst intensification and complications surrounding life and death scenarios and regarding the commitment to win this war. Consequently, U.S. President Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan, a zone of war, which is his first in-person view as commander in chief of the war (Mercury conjunct Eris in Aries) he inherited (quincunx Pallas Rx in Scorpio) and dramatically escalated (trine Vesta Rx in Leo). This comes as the number of U.S. troops killed on the ground has roughly doubled in the first three months of this year compared to the same period last year and those deaths have been accompanied by a dramatic spike in the number of the wounded, with the injuries more than tripling over the course of those months. Therefore, the U.S. President boosted the troops and also met with Afghan President Karzai, who he urged to crack down on corruption and drug trafficking. The goal of the military operations is to put enough pressure on the Taliban to force them to the negotiating table to work out a political settlement to end the war — a process the U.S. believes will only gain momentum once the militant group has lost traction on the battlefield. – However, if this war will ever see an end that is satisfying for both sides is at best questionable. After all, it’s not the first invasion or takeover this country had to endure. My deepest sympathies go out to the families, who must bear the grief and suffer under those tragedies – no matter which side they’re on.

In my private affairs I had come close to a point of argumentative disposition, where the slightest temptation could have brought forth the mean girl in me. Since this didn’t happen, I had a chance to reconsider and chose the high way – always the smarter choice. 🙂 Showing interest, sharing concerns and encouraging J a little bit let the day turn out better than I had expected. Tarot Card of the day was the “Queen of Wands”, indicating a person, who can be spontaneous in passionate situations, but also loyal and helpful to those who are close to her.

Reflections on March 27th, 2010 – the fighting spirit

The Moon ingressed Virgo, highlighting issues of work and health, under the hot-tempered Arian Sun’s stressful sesqui-quadrates to the Pallas-Vesta square. Accordingly, Mrs. Palin RELOADED her guns to head a rally of thousands of tea party activists, which were gathering at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s small hometown in the Nevada desert to call for the ouster of Democrats who supported the health care overhaul. She said: “Since the health care vote, everyone is waiting to see if the tea party movement is reinvigorated or if we’ve resigned ourselves to defeat.” – No retreat, instead reload – that’s the spirit of fighting (Sun-Pallas-Vesta).

U.S. President Obama in the meantime, fed up with waiting, announced Saturday he would bypass a vacationing Senate and name 15 people to key administration jobs, wielding for the first time the blunt political tool known as the recess appointment. The move immediately deepened the divide between the Democratic president and Republicans in the Senate following their long, bruising fight over health care. Mr. Obama revealed his decision by blistering Republicans, accusing them of holding up nominees for months solely to try to score a political advantage on him. “I simply cannot allow partisan politics to stand in the way of the basic functioning of government” (Moon in Virgo), he said in a statement. He too acted in the spirit.

Millions of people world-wide also acted in the spirit of saving the planet by turning off their lights and unplugging appliances for an hour – it was EARTH HOUR.

I drew the “Prince of Cups” yesterday, who signifies among other things someone spending long hours alone in his room with the shades drawn; someone who’s dreamy, moody, sensitive and deep. It fitted me perfectly as I seem to have caught a bug and with the Virgo Moon transiting my natal Mars this forced me to rest and recuperate for the most part of the day in order to fight off the attack on my health.