September 26-30, 2009

September 26 was the day of the First Quarter Moon, when the waxing Capricorn Moon squared off the Libra Sun and tested the solidity of our personal structures, thereby challenging our competence and showing us our limits. “Practice in the presence of God” could have required a tightrope act. Pallas in Virgo’s semi-square to Vesta in Leo and her opposition to Juno Rx in Pisces indicated that trained methods may have failed us or our performance lacked some element and that our strategy may have only partially yielded the desired result. This was “the crisis in action” that demanded to part ways with the past and to focus on our current reality instead, thereby evaluating what works and what doesn’t.

Accordingly, I held an astrology workshop in Alliston for which I had prepared well. However, for my few students, who didn’t know anything about the topic, was the “load” of the material a bit too overwhelming. So, I accommodated them to the best of my abilities, exchanged e-mail addresses and put a document with the contents of our lesson in addition to helpful links and illustrations together on Monday night, sending a copy to each of them. Mercury Rx in Virgo was in quincunx to Chiron Rx in Aquarius.

Saturday was a great day for me – also because my daughter came for a visit in the afternoon and we went on a short trip to a nearby mall and then spent the rest of the day playing games. It was lots of fun, for which I had to “pay” on the next day as the flu caught up with me. I fell so sick that I lost a whole day, which had to happen on the day I was going home and had a few things to take care of. Needless to say that I couldn’t really have a conversation with my daughter, who was driving and wasn’t even able to unpack everything, once at home, because I laid down with a fever. Fortunately, the worst of it was overcome by Monday. But I got a stiff neck in the meantime and I’m still not well nor fit, while trying to juggle the job and the household. Therefore, I haven’t paid attention to the world stage, though I noticed that a few earthquakes/tsunamis (seismic activity) were triggered around the Pacific Ring of Fire. Tuesday was particularly eventful in regard to aspects, inclusive a trine between Ceres in Libra and Neptune Rx in Aquarius that could easily describe a collective drama as an outcome of a shift of tectonic plates under water after a phase of this natural cycle reached completion. It is very sad, but predictable as well as expectable in this area. So, as Juno Rx in Pisces opposed Saturn in Virgo on this day the question is if we will learn from our lessons or if we will keep ignoring these realities.  


September 25, 2009

The sesqui-quadrates between the Sun in Libra and Jupiter Rx in Aquarius and between Venus in Virgo and Eris Rx in Aries add some tension to the day due to revelations that could force us to reassess our approach. Certain relationship dynamics may have to undergo re-evaluation after a review of the single factors could demand a revised message we want to communicate as Mercury Rx in Virgo is sending a semi-sextile to Ceres in Libra. At 06:18 pm EDT will the Moon ingress Capricorn, stimmung us more serious in a matter-of-fact way.

Typical for the octile aspects a crisis situation had to be dealt with as Iran’s nuclear program seems to have taken a dangerous turn. Leaders at the G-20 summit formed a united front to find a solution to this threat. So, the international arms race has been a major concern, inclusive the means available to halt the efforts to proliferate and control the production/facilities, imposing sanctions and the like, under this astroweather. – We’ve had a birthday party. The weather was very cooperative, but at night the German channel didn’t work and therefore it was kinda sad that the birthday girl couldn’t watch her favorite show (Rx planets, especially Mercury, can be associated with cancellations).


September 24, 2009

Ceres in Libra forms a trine to Chiron Rx in Aquarius and Pallas a conjunction to Saturn in Virgo. We can make progress in regard to a wounding issue with a few simple, though effective gestures intended to smooth over ‘bumps’ in our relations and may also renew our agreements.

While at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh agreements on bankers’ bonuses have been reached in order to prevent another global financial meltdown and optimism prevailed in regard to dealing with Chinese trade issues plus U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner cited progress on several fronts, predicting that summit partners would endorse the broad outlines of a proposal to deal with huge imbalances in the global economy, protesters in the streets clashed with the police. – Apparently, not all differences can be resolved in a peaceful way. Such is the human condition (Chiron Rx). We’ve spend a nice day together and prepared everything for a birthday party tomorrow. However, we also touched upon a few rather sensitive topics, though there were no hurt feelings.:)

September 23, 2009

The Moon’s Sagittarius ingress at 07:42 am EDT started the day on a optimistic note. However, our tolerance level is challenged today with the Libran Sun’s square to Pluto in Capricorn that might have us juggling our self-control, particularly so with Ceres in Libra’s opposition to Eris Rx in Aries. Our personal influence in matters of self-interest may have to be reassessed. Another opposition will be formed between Mercury Rx in Virgo and Uranus Rx in Pisces that could be refering to an inner conflict in this regard we need to work out first before outer progress can be made, because we may feel divided about which approach to take in this situation. Mercury Rx’s quincunx to Neptune Rx in Aquarius and Mars in Cancer’s quincunx to Jupiter Rx in Aquarius require an adjustment that could give us clarity of direction as well as renewed faith to proceed on the right course.

I went to the Reiki Center and participated in the heart circle. It was a great experience that allowed me to connect with wonderful people. In the meantime gathered a few women for my workshop. We’ve agreed to hold the first workshop this Saturday so that they have enough time to find out some personal data we need to erect a chart – a typical Mercury Rx example. Other than that the first contact went very well; there was an instant connection, a good vibration that had us all resonating on the same wavelength. So, I enjoyed nice conversations and got even offered a ride ‘home’. Thus, I felt quite enthusiastic, ‘inspirited’ and empowered. When I had grabbed the deck of tarot cards from the table there I had drawn 2 cards (I was going for one, but the other one kinda sticked to it) – the king of pentacles and the 10 of pentacles – drawing up new plans, new thoughts on a business/craft (great entertainer fitted me as well!) with the pinnacle of prosperity/something to pass on. That certainly described the situation perfectly.


September 22, 2009

The day began with Mercury Rx in conjunction to Saturn in Virgo on which he follows up with a semi-square to Vesta in Leo and another conjunction to Pallas in Virgo. At 05:18 pm EDT will the Sun ingress Libra, marking the Fall Equinox, when day and night are of equal length. This is the another turning point in the wheel of the year, which not only introduces a new season, but also indicates a shift regarding the condition of the light. From now on, the day-light will be waning and the nights will grow longer, signifying an ingathering of energies, a coming together. Moreover, this quarter point heralds a time of transition and action for us to release the past and embrace rampant change. Thus, the message for us is to learn how we personally can be of service to ensure the effective functionality of our societal institutions and systems, how our personal skills can be utilized in this regard and how we can contribute to improve the conditions around us.

Accordingly, the hot topic of climate change was addressed at an UN gathering today and action in this regard was urged. The “Yes Men” distributed a fake edition of the NYT in an attempt to draw attention to this pressing cause. The Obama administration used the UN summit to get its message “It’s enough talking about talking” across after growing increasingly frustrated with Israeli and Palestinian foot-dragging over peace negotiations, which it wants to see relaunched immediately and based on previous agreements and principles laid out in earlier talks. – Mercury Rx’s aspects are coming through strong and clearly (Mercury is associated with meetings and communication, Saturn with governments and regulations, Vesta with commitment and Pallas with politics and strategies) and so is the Aries Point involvement (Sun’s Libra ingress happened opposite the AP). Besides, with Libra’s ruler Venus in Virgo, Mercury is the dispositor of this ingress, which is a continuation of the story/impulse that started with the Virgo New Moon, the following inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun in Virgo and today’s conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in the New Moon degree.

My day was dedicated toward preparing myself for a meeting tomorrow. Though the humidity was wearing down on us, we’ve also been on 3 walks through the surroundings today. A link led me to my facebook account I couldn’t access for a long time. Thus, I’ve been busy tonight with updating my homepage there.

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