Astro-Notes on July 23, 2021 – Aquarius Full Moon

The Sun made ingress to Leo yesterday at 7:26 am PDT, which ushered in a period, during which we seek to shine in the way we express ourselves and perform, draw attention to ourselves, seek admiration, drama and glamour, put ourselves in the limelight or center stage and are more involved with children as well as more creative, confident, self-centered and expressive. In general, we will be more inclined toward warm-heartedness, exuberance, theatrics, playfulness, childishness, having fun, showing off and wanting recreation. However, as the Cancer lunation cycle climaxes tonight at 7:36 pm PDT in the Aquarius Full Moon, issues concerning our individuality, uniqueness or difference (including our eccentricity, idiosyncrasies), our non-conformity or unconventionality and our group involvement and social circle are coming to a head.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 1:26 Aquarius states:

“An unexpected thunderstorm. Keynote: The need to develop the inner security, which will enable us to meet unexpected crises – NATURE’S CHALLENGE.”

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 1:26 Leo states:

“An epidemic of mumps. Keynote: The spreading power of individual crises through a collectivity – THE INFECTIOUS SPREAD OF INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Pages 249 – 250 and 132 – 133, respectively)

Implied by this symbolical imagery is a shocking event we didn’t see coming, catching us by surprise and causing upset and/or an outbreak of emotions the event stirred up within us. Our reaction(s) or response will show our character (especially our selfishness) and integrity (in a crisis situation).

Tarot card of the day is the “5 of Swords”, suggesting that we’re dealing with mixed feelings about life in general and experiencing conflict or discord – inner as well as outer. The more important is it to pick our battles wisely and think before we act. There are boundaries and limitations in life situations we must accept, even though they could make us feel powerless. In this regard, we must overcome ourselves and focus on our needs in order to regain our composure. Breakdown of communication and non-negotiable, self-serving behavior or open hostility, violence, crime and theft could lead to no-win scenarios, defeat and loss.

Astro-Notes on July 9, 2021 – Cancer New Moon

A new lunation cycle begins tonight at 6:16 pm PDT with the Sun and Moon meeting in the cardinal water sign Cancer. This New Moon is an auspicious time to set intentions that center around family, home, ancestry, roots, property, nurturance, belonging, care and everything maternal.

With Ceres in Taurus, symbolizing the maternal, nurturing principle, engaged in a constructive sextile aspect to retrograde Neptune in Pisces, we have a chance to review our hopes, dreams and vision as our imagination falls on fertile ground and longings we nurtured can be realized if we continue building up support and keeping our commitments. Not only is our productivity flowing, we are also prepared to make the necessary sacrifices when the need arises.

However, Mercury in Gemini forms a series of harsh aspects, starting with a sesqui-quadrate to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and a square to Pallas in Pisces on which he follows up with a semi-square to Uranus in Taurus. Another sesqui-quadrate is cast by retrograde Juno in Sagittarius to Eris in Aries. This means that we are challenged strategy-wise as our plans meet with obstacles that force us to factor in time and reality in the sense of what is actually doable and which is the best or most practical way to do this. Thus, conversations could be uneasy and focused on problems rather than solutions and as a consequence, we could find it hard to come to an understanding, especially if that means we have to change certain routines we got used to. Therefore, even ‘innocent’ suggestions or sympathetic offerings could not sit well with us or feel like too much of a compromise. The more important is it that we are being mindful in our exchanges with others and try to put ourselves in their shoes  when we communicate the issue or the things on our mind so that matters can be worked out and resolutions can be found.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 18:01 Cancer states:

“A priest performing a marriage ceremony. Keynote: The ritualization of productive, interpersonal relationships – SANCTION.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Page 123)

Relationships require continuous commitment from all parties involved, who need to do their part in order for the relationship to function, grow and prosper.

Tarot card of the day is “The Fool”, referring to unlimited potential, new beginnings as well as a sense of innocence and naivety. Anything can happen as we start on this journey. We could be taken into unchartered territory and thus need to be aware of the risks and dangers we could encounter, but also need to be ready to take on the opportunities presented to us. This card encourages us to have faith and calls upon us to trust, believe in our spirit and to follow our heart.