Astro-Notes on April 26, 2017 – Taurus New Moon

Daily Aspects:
– New Moon at 6:27 Taurus at 5:16 am PDT
– Ceres in Taurus sextile Vesta in Cancer
– Saturn Rx in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces

The Taurus New Moon transpires with its dispositor Venus in the last degree of Pisces, retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces and with retrograde Mercury heading into a conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This means that we reached the end of a cycle that has been emotionally, physically and financially draining and overwhelming. We’re at a point of no return, where we need a breakthrough in order to be able to overcome a long-standing problem or wound that has developed into something ‘chronic’ and as such has been the source of much suffering and despair.

Therefore, we’re going back in our mind to where it all started, reviewing the information that has been emerging or coming forth together with initial conversations and mental processes or connections made, looking at everything that happened with ‘new eyes’ for insight and inspiration. We’ve been trapped in a vicious cycle, from which there seemed to be no escape until now. Finally, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel and we understand that we have to deviate from a path that only leads to frustration and engenders futility. Instead, things have to be approached with a different mindset.

With Mars in Gemini, who is in mutual reception with Mercury in Aries, engaged in sesqui-quadrate aspects to Juno and Pluto in Capricorn (Juno will turn retrograde before she has a chance to meet up with Pluto), it is critical that we get organized and manage a relationship situation, where we or someone else need to assume a role of authority, because we’re struggling with a set of circumstances that requires resourcefulness and skillful handling of our affairs, even the utilizing of one’s influence and connections to regain control of this situation.

Taurus NM 2017

Thus, with a New Moon in the earthy, sensual sign Taurus we set our intentions toward physical and material wellbeing, steadiness, stability and comfort, ease, happiness, contentment, gratification and gratitude, the build up of self-worth and emotional security, as well as the preparing of the ground for the blossoming of our talents so that we can get the appreciation we seek for the things we have to give or offer.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 6:27 Taurus states:

“The woman of Samaria at the ancestral well. Keynote: The meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future – A NEW QUALITY OF BEING.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Pages 74-75)

Jesus And Woman At Well1

Suggested by this symbolical image is the drawing of wisdom from a spiritual wellspring or from a source of experience and expertise that reveals a future where there is hope and potential for healing.

Tarot card of the day is the “Knight of Pentacles”, a card that contains an element of perfectionism and brings good news in financial matters. It indicates that we are unwavering in the pursuit of a goal, assess our circumstances candidly, are diligent and industrious, follow a routine and pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of life. We assume responsibility and take charge of a situation by accomplishing what is expected from us. This card has a grounding influence.

Astro-Notes on April 19, 2017 – Third Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Daily Aspects:
– Third Quarter Moon at 29:31 Capricorn/Aries at 2:56 am PDT
– Moon ingress to Aquarius at 3:51 am PDT
– Sun ingress to Taurus at 2:26 pm PDT
– Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction In Taurus

Early this morning did the Third Quarter Moon of the Aries lunation cycle transpire with the Sun and Moon in the last degree of their respective signs, urging us to realize that this is our last chance to act or assert ourselves in a situation, with which we’ve been struggling for a long time so that we can get a grip on it and gain control over our life.

Meanwhile, the Moon made ingress to Aquarius and the Sun to Taurus, where he will meet up with retrograde Mercury for their inferior conjunction. The latter is just coming out of a trine to the North Node in Virgo. Therefore, after reviewing the accumulated information and communication in this particular matter, we’ve come up with a solution or set a date to work this out. As a consequence, our emotions are stirred up, we feel excited and even liberated, while anticipating change or progress as we receive this new mental impulse that inspires us in a fulfilling or satisfying way. We’ve entered a period of time, during which we seek to build up a sense of self-worth or -esteem and self-appreciation, bestow our life with quality and value our talents and gifts.

Tarot card of the day is the “6 of Wands”, suggesting that things are changing in a positive way. There is the possibility of acclaim and acknowledgment. It could be our day to shine or we could be coming out on top. We strive to be successful and seek to promote ourselves more frequently in order to gain the recognition we desire. However, it is important that we keep the ego in check.


I was just going to post this as I got a call from the doctor I had seen last Sunday, telling me that I had to come back to the hospital to get different antibiotics, which need to be injected intravenously (this treatment started with the Sun’s ingress to Taurus with retrograde Mercury already in this degree, which has the Sabian Symbol “a clear mountain stream”). My daughter took off from work to take me there and will also drive me to the outpatient hospital in Victoria tomorrow (Third Quarter Moon in Capricorn/Aries – she took the initiative and left work ’caused’ by the ‘crisis in consciousness’ – moreover, the inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is exactly conjunct the Moon in her Solar Return in the 12th house – taking Mom to the hospital). For this first appointment we had to wait a few hours again, because we had to see a doctor first, then I had to drop off a sick note at work, have a late lunch and then a friend from Ontario called, informing me about all the things that had happened since I left my place of work there. That was my day off, but this doesn’t matter since I’ll be off for the next 10 days anyway now. We still have to go back to the hospital for another IV injection tonight, but we won’t have to wait anymore. I guess, that’s the good news. 🙂 Other than that, I’m very grateful for the support and care from my daughter. The nurse and the doctor were very attentive and nice as well. So, although it seems things have gotten worse, they might actually are getting better.

Astro-Notes on April 10, 2017 – Full Moon in Libra

Daily Aspects:
– Mars conjunct Ceres in Taurus
– Full Moon at 21:32 Libra/Aries at 11:08 pm PDT
– Vesta in Cancer square Uranus in Aries

As the Aries lunation cycle culminates into the Libra Full Moon, Mars has finally caught up to Ceres in Taurus and Mercury has turned retrograde in Taurus, the sign that is ruled over by Venus, who is also the ruler over the Full Moon and is still in retrograde motion in Pisces.

This means that consistent or repeated actions taken over a longer period of time are now met with support, because priorities, values and relationships are being reviewed with more compassion, sympathy and solidarity, while we’re going over information, plans and schedules as well as matters of communication, connectivity and mobility, especially in regard to emotional and material security, attachments and worthiness.

Mars’ next aspect is a semi-sextile to Eris in Aries and Mercury’s a semi-sextile to Pallas in Aries, which is indicative of an adjustment in motivation and focus to be able to serve our self-interests amidst Vesta’s square to Uranus that challenges us to make progress on all fronts so that we can feel safe and take care of our causes.

Therefore, the ‘protective forms’ and the ‘sensitivity’ (Sabian Symbol for the Aries New Moon) that came forth at the onset of this lunation cycle have developed into ‘solicitude’ (keyword for the Sabian Symbol for the Libra Full Moon) – others are being receptive to our plight and assisting us in our fight or with our struggles. Whereas the ‘three old masters hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery’ (Sabian Symbol for the Libra New Moon from September of last year) have been replaced by ‘the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires’ (Sabian Symbol for the Aries Sun) – the ‘return to the source’ (keynote for the Sabian Symbol of the Libra NM) has resulted in ‘abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation’ and ‘cosmic optimism’ (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Aries Sun).

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 21:32 Libra states:

“A child giving birds a drink at a fountain. Keynote: The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less evolved beings who thirst for life renewal – SOLICITUDE.”

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 21:32 Aries states:

“The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires. Keynote: Abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation – COSMIC OPTIMISM.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Pages 186-187 and 66, respectively)

Implied by the symbolical imagery is that a humanitarian act will lead to renewed hope for success and personal fulfillment or a better and more balanced life.

Libra FM 2017

Tarot card of the day is the “7 of Pentacles”, suggesting slow growth. The seeds have been sown, but there is no sign yet that they have germinated. Some things are moving along well and we feel hopeful about the future, while others seem to be pointless. Consequently, we are applying a long-term view and focus on sustainability of results. It’s time now to assess which of our energy investments are worth it and where we might have to change direction. Thus, we are taking stock, reflecting on our progress, questioning our choices and find out where we stand.

Astro-Notes on April 3, 2017 – First Quarter Moon in Cancer

Daily Aspects:
– Ceres in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn
– Mercury in Taurus trine NN in Virgo
– First Quarter Moon at 14:11 Cancer/Aries at 11:39 am PDT

Ceres in Taurus is holding a trine to Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Taurus is casting a trine to the North Node in Virgo. This means that a season of our life has ended (much in the sense of winter being over now), because we gained control over a particular set of circumstances and feel more secure or settled as a result. Therefore, our mind is no longer dwelling on the past, but rather set on improving our future prospects.

However, the ‘crisis in action’ that accompanies the First Quarter Moon in the Aries lunation cycle is challenging us to overcome the pull of old habits and conditions in order to nurture and protect the ‘new life’ or beginning that is happening. With the Aries Sun also engaged in a square to Juno in Capricorn, we’re aware that an established relationship situation or dynamic or a role we took on in a relationship is not working for us. It has become a burden, too much of a responsibility or restriction or is frustrating us and limiting our life and self-realization in some way.

Consequently, Venus crossed back over the Aries Point and is continuing her retrograde journey in Pisces so that we can revisit our ideals and longings and re-envision the relationships we want, the things we value and find worth our while. We need to return to the source and get back in touch with a sense of happiness, contentment and wellbeing. The square between Vesta in Cancer and the Eris-Uranus conjunction in Aries is indicating the discord and ‘incompleteness’, even abandon or neglect, we’re feeling that is keeping us from tending to our inner flame and taking care of our causes. It’s time that we turn a corner and make progress.


Tarot card of the day is the “8 of Swords”, suggesting that we need to look at a difficult situation from a new angle and with a different perspective. Because our thinking is limited and we’re struggling to see a way out of our dilemma, it is imperative that we open our eyes to the options that lay in front of us. There are choices available, but in order to recognize them, we have to get into the right mindset first.