Astro-Notes on May 29, 2016 – Third Quarter Moon

Daily Aspects:
– Venus in Gemini square Pallas in Pisces
– Sun in Gem semi-square Eris in Aries
– Third Quarter Moon at 8:32 Pisces/Gemini at 8:11 am EDT
– Mercury in Taurus semi-sextile Ceres in Aries
– Vesta in Gemini square Pallas in Pisces
– Uranus conjunct Eris in Aries

Now that Mars has returned to Scorpio, where he will be traversing until August 2, the review of our long-term intentions we underwent so far is getting more complex as well as complicated. At first, we’ve felt empowered, which renewed our drive and spurred us into intensified activity. However, we soon had to realize that no matter how hard we tried or how much effort we invested, in the grander scheme of things it seems to amount to nothing, because we can’t control our specific set of circumstances in the same sense as we can’t control the weather. For instance, now that’s finally warm here, it’s so hot and humid that you would need to own a pool or be close to a body of water in order to be able to enjoy it. Yet public pools haven’t opened yet, because it is still very early in the season. Though in order to endure and survive this climate, we run our fans and air conditioners at full capacity. We’re flexible and adaptable that way, but our town or city counsel is not. In my place of work, we do everything in our power to manage the freight we own and get it out on the salesfloor, but we can’t stock anymore than what we have possibly space for; neither can we stop the flow or control the amount that’s coming in; although it is our head office’s objective to reduce the stock held in the backrooms of the stores. We have exhausted all of our options in dealing with replenishment services, category managers, buyers and orders for our store. It’s a lot like fighting windmills and it has gotten us nowhere. Meanwhile, new modulars are dropping seemingly all at once with no exit strategy in place or provided. This is the state of affairs at the Third Quarter Moon of the Taurus lunation cycle that happens in sync with the Venus-Vesta conjunction in Gemini with both bodies in square to Pallas in Pisces, which repeats the message that priorities, values, focus and causes are at cross-purpose, leaving us at a loss at how to get the upper hand in this situation (the mutable Grand Cross is approaching and there will be a second Full Moon in Sagittarius). Thus, this ‘crisis in consciousness’ is testing our idealism together with our dedication as we struggle to meet our objectives. With Uranus conjunct Eris in Aries though, our competitive spirit has been stirred up and we are determined to make progress no matter what it takes and won’t give up until we win.


Tarot card of the day is the “Page of Cups”, representing some sort of beginning or renewal, which could herald a positive message we respond to in an emotional manner. Our intuition is sharp today and creative energy is trying to burst forth into our consciousness. Therefore, we need to be open to receive, express our emotions and let our heart lead the way. This card encourages us to take a fresh perspective on a difficult issue and to allow our creative Self to come to the fore so that a sense of freedom may reappear in our life.

Astro-Notes on May 21, 2016 – Sagittarius Full Moon

Daily Aspects:
– Mars Rx in Sagittarius semi-sextile Juno Rx in Scorpio, semi-square Pluto Rx in Capricorn and opposite Vesta in Gemini
– Ceres in Aries quincunx Jupiter in Virgo
– Vesta in Gemini quincunx Juno Rx in Scorpio and sesqui Pluto Rx in Capricorn
– Moon ingress to Sagittarius at 2:48 pm EDT
– Full Moon at 1:13 Sagittarius/Gemini at 5:14 pm EDT
– Sun in Gemini opposite Mars Rx in Sagittarius, quincunx Juno Rx in Scorpio and sesqui Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Only yesterday did the Sun make ingress to Gemini, a shift from fixed earth to mutable air that was preceded by Vesta’s into this sign on May 16 and corresponds to a period during which we seek to be more flexible and adaptable in the way we dedicate us to our causes or the things we hold sacred, thereby showing a more versatile, adjustable, easy-going and busy-body style of self-expression as well as different sides of our personality. So, the energy is still very ‘young’ and therefore the current situation or specific set of circumstances we’re dealing with is more challenging, because we need to get used to it first. Meanwhile, certain conditions have intensified as matters got more complicated as well as overpowering. We’re experiencing increasing tension with these conditions reaching a critical point, an acuteness really, due to the push exerted on us and the pressure we’re undergoing by the demands placed on us that leave a heavy toll on our nerves. Consequently, we could feel edgy, stressed out and even aggravated and as a result, conflicts could get out of hand quickly or blown out of proportion and we could overreact, especially when things don’t go our way and we got our hands full dealing with other issues or with multi-tasking, while trying to meet deadlines (Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s manhandling of a member of the opposition party is a good example).

Now, as the Taurus lunation cycle culminates in the Sagittarius Full Moon, the impulse that sounded forth at the time of the Sagittarius New Moon back in December 2015 will also come to fruition. Thus, ‘the symbolical battle between swords and torches’ (Sabian Symbol for the Taurus New Moon) has climaxed in ‘white-capped waves that display the power of wind over sea’ (Sabian Symbol for the Sagittarius Full Moon) – our emotions have been stirred up, the environment is ‘stormy’ and we’re in a state of turmoil or at least feel pretty agitated. However, the ‘foresighted use of natural resources in the summer’ (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Sagittarius New Moon from December 2015) has led to ‘filled stockings in the winter’ (Sabian Symbol for the Gemini Sun) – our preparedness for these tough times together with our concerted efforts to meet our objectives will be rewarded down the line; we will deliver one way or another, if we commit us to our shared values and common goals and keep our focus on managing, organizing and executing, while mobilizing and utilizing all resources we have to our disposal.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 1:13 Sag states:

“White-capped waves display the power of wind over sea. Keynote: The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of superpersonal motives – SUBTILIZATION THROUGH RHYTHMIC INTENSITY.”

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 1:13 Gem states:

“Santa Claus furtively filling stockings hanging in front of the fire place. Keynote: A rewarded faith in spiritual blessings – a state of INNOCENCE.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Pages 211 and 90, respectively)

Sagittarius FM 2016

Suggested by these symbolical pictures is that we have a choice in this matter in the way we respond to it and allow us to be motivated by it. Accordingly, we can use this influence as a stimulation to achieve our ends, instead of letting it bring us down and struggle with forces beyond our control. All we need to do is believing in ourselves, while relying on our resourcefulness and manageability.

Tarot card of the day is the “Wheel of Fortune” indicating that the wheel has turned and we’ve entered a new phase of the cycle. We must accept that things can always turn around; that what goes around comes around. However, in every crisis lies opportunity. It’s not a time to be complacent; instead we have to actively follow this path now and go with the flow.

Astro-Notes on May 13, 2016 – First Quarter Moon

Daily Aspects:
– Sun in Taurus semi-sextile Eris in Aries
– First Quarter Moon at 23:21 Leo/Taurus at 1:02 pm EDT
– Mercury Rx conj. Venus in Taurus
– Pallas in Pisces trine Juno Rx in Scorpio
– Venus in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Yesterday when retro Mercury in Taurus completed a trine to retro Pluto in Capricorn did I get my phone back I had send in for repair and eventual reprogramming. All I had to do was to pick it up from the post office in the Shopper’s Drugmart, open the package, put the loaner phone I got from my phone company for my personal use during this time in the envelope that was included in the package and send it back. Well, it was a bit more complicated than that, because I had to prepare for the ‘swap’ (taking the loaner phone, charger and package with me to work and have the super nice girls in the connection centre erase my info on it and remove the SIM card for me). I need their help again as I was unable to put the SIM card back into my phone, although I tried desperately for at least 10 minutes (yep, I’m inept when it comes to technology). Therefore, I’ll have to do without a phone for a day, but that’s ok with me. I was lucky enough though to catch a ride with my wonderful co-worker Elaine, who is always happy to help. Moreover, I returned the personal evaluation form I had to fill out for work regarding my performance and I got clearance money for deleted or non traded items in several sections of my departments. So, all of these are personal examples of the current astro weather, in which the Sun’s (personal adjustments) and Venus’ (evaluation, relationships, material matters) aspects are included as well and so is Pallas in Pisces’ trine to retro Juno in Scorpio, which shows an easy and harmonious flow in our interactions with sympathetic and supportive others. This is the state of affairs as we’re heading in the First Quarter Moon and have to meet the challenge encountered at this point in the lunation cycle that his been aptly termed the ‘crisis in action’. In the ongoing ‘battle between swords and torches’ (Sabian Symbol of the Taurus New Moon) is the essence of our personality tested as we ‘polarization of values’ (keynote of the Sabian Symbol for the Taurus New Moon) we’re experiencing asks of us to grow in self-confidence and build up a sense of self-worth in order to get appreciated and validated for who we are. Furthermore, we have to be creative as well as self-expressive in the pursuit of our desires and needs.


Tarot card of the day is “The Sun”, which represents positive energy, enthusiasm and vitality. This card gives us strength and puts us in a position where we can share our highest qualities. It bodes well for the fruition of our ambitions and is an auspicious time to take care of the inner child. We know where we are heading; our path is illuminated based on the clarity of our vision. Moreover, we reflect on the value of simplicity and get back to the simple pleasures.

Astro-Notes on May 6, 2016 – Taurus New Moon

Daily Aspects:

– Juno Rx in Scorpio semi-square NN in Virgo/sesqui SN in Pisces
– Mercury Rx in Taurus semi-sextile Uranus in Aries
– Mars Rx in Sagittarius sesqui-quadrate Uranus in Aries
– Venus in Taurus semi-sextile Ceres in Aries
– New Moon at 16:41 Taurus at 3:29 pm EDT
– Pallas in Pisces semi-square Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Due to conditions, rules, regulations, procedures or instructions, which could have left us feeling overburdened and stretched to the limit for a few days now, have we been required to make personal adjustments that affect our priorities, preferences and daily routine and therefore this whole affair has come as quite an inconvenience, in particular so as it forced us way out of our comfort zone and caused lots of unnecessary stress in addition to feelings of defeat and loss. In fact, we could have reached a point where we don’t know anymore how to manage everything under these circumstances or how to proceed from here on. We don’t really have a choice other than to surrender and try to pull through it somehow. The situation is complicated and things are evolving quickly, but despairing over it or panicking doesn’t help. This crisis calls for efficiency and practicality and this includes asking others for their advice and support. Moreover, we have to take action to protect ourselves and also focus on self-preservation, while remaining resilient, determined and resourceful in the face of adversity.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 16:41 Taurus states:

“A symbolical battle between ‘swords’ and ‘torches’. Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal ‘great war’ – POLARIZATION OF VALUES.”

(Dane Rudhyar, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolical Phases”, Page 81)

Taurus NM 2016

Not only do the fires rage in Alberta with fierceness, menace and growing hunger, leaving wide swaths of devastation behind and a great number of people homeless, the heat is also on in our lives and in the same sense as the fire fighters there, do we too struggle to contain and subdue these situations, which have taken on a life of their own and threaten our peace, security and wellbeing. Therefore, we have to keep our wits about ourselves and come up with simple, yet radical solutions that will move mountains and clear the path toward the future for us. Past attachments have to be let go off in order for us to be able to reorganize our affairs and restructure our life.

Tarot card of the day is the “8 of Swords”, suggesting that we need to look at a difficult situation from a new angle and with a different perspective. Because our thinking is limited and we’re struggling to see a way out of our dilemma, it is imperative that we open our eyes to the options that lay in front of us. There are choices available, but in order to recognize them, we have to get into the right mindset first.