Reflections on June 12th and 13th, 2010 – the weekend

Saturday was the day of the Gemini New Moon with the lunation in sextile to Eris in Aries. Thus, the seed impulse that has been coming forth carries the potential for us to include mindfulness in our thinking process if we choose so, which could in the end determine if we’re winning or losing. This, of course, depends on our learning and discerning abilities, particularly so when it concerns past mistakes. A chance is offered to us in form of an opportunity to smarten up, which could lead to decisions that serve our self-interests. In instances where we realize that things don’t work out any longer and that our trust has been broken or we feel we have been abused, we need to be wise as well as cautious and make the necessary adjustment.

Structures are crumbling and politics are failing, exposing the flaws in the system, which is on the brink of collapse itself as a consequence of a paternalistic worldview spun out of control, driven by reckless corporate interests and their enablers and accomplices in powerful positions. Their politics and business practices have not only an undeniable impact on our livelihoods, the whole globe is threatened by the committing of ecocide to which each of us contributes due to the way of life we’ve become accustomed to and which is unsustainable, a message also conveyed to us via the symbolical picture of the Gemini New Moon. Implicated by the harvest festival is the end of summer, of the fruitful season and social abundance. We’re reaping the fruits of the seeds we’ve sown. Now it’s time to rebalance, to let the Earth recover and allow for “bioenergetic rebuilding”.

I drew for this day the “3 of Wands” again, which shows a creative blending of energy in the sense of “what’s next”. Indeed, I was blessed with inspiration and spent my time and energy accordingly, while J and Adrian were in the garage and on the road, taking care of business. J had finally enough of the unreliability of one of his team members and plans to move on without him when they’ll be settling into the new building.


On Sunday, June 13th, did Mercury in Gemini perfect the square to Vesta in Virgo in the symmetrical triangle configuration, whereas Venus in Cancer advanced to the apex of a yod with Ceres Rx in Sagittarius and Neptune Rx in Aquarius, the Sun in Gemini, following in Mercury’s footsteps, cast a sextile to Eris in Aries and Jupiter in Aries and Chiron Rx in Pisces formed a semi-sextile. So, the pressure had now intensified to a point, where we acted upon our decision and sent a definitive message to protect our interests, which was a choice between being aware and wise and being victimized and deceived. With our anger and anxiety growing, we’re also more determined to do something about it instead of sitting idly by.

U.S. President Barack Obama will demand that BP create a special account with “substantial” reserves to pay Gulf oil claims and is readying aid packages for the region, his top political adviser said Sunday. “Our mission is to hold them accountable in every appropriate way,” Axelrod said. The president, who is a law professor, is well aware of the risks in this case and thus that there’s a chance that BP could file for bankruptcy and transfer their assets to a “new” company and then they would see nothing in compensation and BP would get away with it. Better safe than sorry. (Venus in Cancer quincunxes Neptune-Ceres sextile)

A leaked pipeline sent oil spilling into a Salt Lake City creek, coating geese and ducks and closing a park, officials said Saturday as they started a cleanup effort expected to last weeks. A crew was trying to collect and take birds to Hogle Zoo cleaning stations and other facilities. Better safe than sorry. They learnt something from the BP disaster.

J took the silver car to our place to clean it himself, because he doesn’t trust Michelle with this task. Better safe than sorry. I decided to listen to the advice of my girlfriend and committed myself to a special diet. Better safe than sorry.

Tarot card of the day was the “Princess of Cups reversed”, with the keyword Mirage, which lends an air of unreality and a lack of coherent action according to interpretation, but I think it rather indicated the lack of trust in the atmosphere.